

  (2)T: Let’s play another game, guess an animal. (教师示范:拿一张图片放在头顶,问学生Can it ...? Is it a ...? 根据学生的回答来猜出图片上的动物是什么。) Now play the game with your partner.

  OK, now who wants to try? No more than five questions, or you can not get the point. This girl, please. (此学生把图片顶在头顶,通过问答来猜测动物。男女生分组,顺利猜出者可为本组挣得一分。)

  T: Let’s sing a song. 投影呈现内容如下:

  Can a rabbit jump? Can a rabbit jump?

  Yes, it can. Yes, it can.

  Rabbits can jump. Rabbits can jump.

  Can you jump? Can you jump?

  Can a horse run? Can a horse run?

  Yes, it can. Yes, it can.

  Horses can run. Horses can run.

  Can you run? Can you run?

  Step5:Class closing.

  T: Today we have learnt three new words and these sentences(师手指向板书,学生读出新单词和新句型). According these, I prepare a riddle for you. Can you guess?

  (投影呈现谜语:It is an animal.

  It lives in water.(它生活在水里)

  It can swim.

  It has no legs(没有腿).

  What is it?


  T:(学生猜出后)So great. In this class, which team wins at last? … wins the game. Congratulations! Let’s clap your hands for them.

  Today’s homework: 选一种你喜欢的小动物,用上我们今天学习的内容,编一条谜语,比一比谁编制的谜语最有趣,最高明!Time’s up. Goodbye, class.