

  S1: Is this a ____?

  T: Maybe.

  S2: Is this a _____?

  T: Perhaps.

  S3: Is this a _____?

  T: I’m not sure. Let’s see. Oh, it’s a pig(师生齐说). The next one...(教师继续播放图片,学生继续猜)

  设计意图:复习学过的动物单词和句型Is this a ____?

  Step 2 Presentation

  T: Good job. Here’s a new one. (用书遮挡马图片的一部分,让学生继续猜) What’s this?

  S1/S2: Cow/sheep/horse…

  T: Let’s see. It’s a horse. (在马的简笔画旁板书horse),“or”says /:/. Follow me, horse, horse, this is a horse.

  T(面向S1/S2):Can you say it?

  S1: Horse.

  T: It’s a horse.

  S2: It’s a horse.

  S3: It’s a horse.

  T: (指向一匹马) This is a white horse, and (找同学来接)

  S: This is a brown horse.

  T:(出示群马图)These are ...

  Ss: These are horses.

  T: Follow me, horses.

  Ss: Horses.

  T: Let’s see a horse has …(教师用手指着图片中马的腿,提示学生来对马进行描述)

  S1/S2/S3: A horse has four legs/two years/a tail…

  T: Not bad. Another one. What’s this? (采用同样的方法呈现兔子)

  S: 兔子。

  T: Rabbit. (板书rabbit) “a”says //. Follow me, rabbit, rabbit, it is a rabbit.(同理教学rabbit)

  A horse is an animal. (板书animal) A rabbit is an animal. Horses and rabbits are animals.

  T: We have learnt so many animals. Can you tell me what animals can run? (板书What animals can ___?)

  S: Dogs.

  T: Good. Dogs can run.(板书___ can ___.)

  T: What else animals can run?

  S1/S2/S3/S4:___ can run.

  T: What animals can …?(做出游泳的动作,示意学生来提问)

  S: What animals can swim?