What are you doing小学英语五年级下学期教案(4)



  T:What have you learned in this lesson? 请生回答。



  After school, please give your friend a call in English and talk about what you are doing.

  the other animals.

  Step 3 操练(Practice)

  Ask and answer like this:

  A:Look at the tiger.

  What’s it doing?

  B:It’s running.

  The tiger is running.

  ... etc.

  Step 4 说唱(Let’s chant)

  Flying , flying.

  The bird is flying.

  Running , running.

  The tiger is running.

  Walking , walking.

  The elephant is walking.

  Jumping , jumping.

  The rabbit is jumping.

  Swimming , swimming

  The fish is swimming.

  Step5 巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

  (1)Write and ask.

  (2)Life lies in motion.

  Sports can make us healthy and strong.

  Step6 家庭作业(Homework)

  (1)Copy the words.

  (2)Do the workbook , Unit5 , Part A .

  (3)Make a new dialogue.