What are you doing小学英语五年级下学期教案(2)




一、 Warm-up

  1、 Greetings

  2、Sing a song: I Can Help.(师生做动作共同演唱)Then ask the students:What phrase can you hear in this song ?


二、 Review


  dothedishes cookthemealsreadabook

  setthe table do homework  cleantheroom

  2、Free talk

  I can do housework.

  What can you do?

  Can you cook the meals?

  Can you clean your bedroom?

三、 Presentation

  1、教学doing the dishes,并呈现现在进行时的问答形式:What are you doing? I am …。

  (1)  教师拿出一个盘子:I cando the dishes.

  Can you do the dishes?

  请学生拼词,教师同时在黑板上写下do the dishes,教师边做洗碗的动作,边对学生说: I am doing the dishes . 然后在黑板上的短语后面加上ing变成doing the dishes ,强调ing的发音. 教师引导学生做洗碗的动作,并跟说: I am doing the dishes. 用其他的词组进行替换,通过适当的动作引导学生理解现在进行时表达的含义.并适时帮助学生总结:在人称后面加上系动词,在把动词加上ing 就可以表示现在正在进行的动作。

  (2)出示几个动词短语,请学生将动作短语转换成ing 的形,并试着读一读.

  (3)导入What are you doing?句型

  T:Now I’mdoing the dishes。

  学生做洗盘子的动作,师问:What are you doing?



  教师请学生猜What are you doing?的意思,并板书领读。

  (4)Play the game“Go,Stop”to drill the sentences.

  Ask the students pass a plate one by one.(师生一起边拍手边问:What are you doing?当师说Stop时,拿到盘子的同学要边洗盘子边说:I’mdoing the dishes。)

  (设计思路:通过传盘子游戏集体练习、重点突破主句型What are you doing?

  2、教学cooking dinner。

  (1)出示词组。 T:You can do the dishes.Can you cook dinner?

  教师板书,领读。并说:It means: cook the meals.

  T:(师那锅做饭并问)Now who can ask me with the sentence?

  T: I’m cooking dinner。



  T:Now,please cook something and practice in pairs.You can cook eggs,noodles,tomatoes…

  T师生示范)Mm…Yummy. What are you doing?

  S1: I’m…

  (设计思路:由问You can do the dishes.Can you cook dinner?自然引出cooking dinner的教学。并用两人合作的形式,边做动作边练习,让学生全员参与,拓展了思维。)

  3.学习reading a book。

  T:(师读书并问)What am I doing?

  请生试答并板书在黑板上:I’m reading a book。

  T:I’m reading an English book。Please read books and say: :I’m reading____ book。


  4.学习drawing pictures

  T:(当学生说到读picture book时)You are reading a picture book.Let’s see.教师边看边说:Pictures, beautiful pictures.Can you draw pictures?

  教师边板书边说:I am drawing pictures。领读并引导学生拼写。

  T:Now I am drawing a tree. What are you doing?

  T:(引导学生边画边说):I am drawing …

  5.学习 answering the phone 。

  (1)出示词组。Now let’s listen and look.

  T出示打电话的课件)What’s he doing ?

  教师板书:answer the phone请生加ing并试读,教师强调连读,请学生单个读。


  A .做高低声游戏。Iftheteacher says quietly, the students say loudly. Iftheteacher says loudly, the students say quietly.

  (设计思路:answering the phone 这个词组的发音是难点,所以用这个游戏让学生集中注意力多次重复,加深记忆。)


  师生示范打电话用语:T:Hello,____. This is Miss Yu.

  What are you doing?

  S: I am…What are you doing?

  T: I am…

