

  think I need to think about other possible jobs. What should I do? Should I be allowed

  to make my 10_____ decision? How much time should I spend on my training and

  my schoolwork? I need your help.

  Please write to me soon!

  II. Discussion

  3a.With a partner, discuss at least one rule at home that you do not agree with. Why

  do you not agree with it? Make some notes in the chart.

  A: I don’t think we should be allowed to play computer games.

  B: Sure, I agree with it. Because it is bad for us, we should follow the rule.

  A: How about watch TV?

  B: Well, I don’t agree with it. I think the rule should be changed. We can watch TV on the weekends.

  A: Hum, do you think if we should be allowed to have part-time jobs?

  B: I agree. We can learn a lot from working.


  Why you agree or disagree with it How you think the rule should be changed

  can’t play computer gamesagree --

  sitting in front of the computer for hours playing games isn’t good

  no need to be changed

  can’t watch TV

  disagree –

  not all TV programs are bad for students; need to relax sometimes, rather than spend all the time studyingshould be allowed to watch TV programs that have educational value (such as documentaries); should be allowed to watch TV programs on weekends.

  must be home for dinner every daydisagree –

  takes away opportunities to spend time with friends; makes life uninteresting

  should be allowed to have dinner with friends as long as I don’t stay out too late and it does not clash with any important family activity

  III. Self Check

  1. Match the words in the two columns and choose five phrases to make









  my dream

  ears pierced

  part-time work

  a choice

  get ears pierced

  I would like to get my ears pierced when I am twenty-one years old.

  take photos

  This is a good place for tourists to take photos.

  do part-time work

  It is common for university students to do part-time work to help pay for their studies.

  achieve my dream

  I hope to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

  make a choice

  It is difficult for me to make a choice between these two bags as I like both of them.

  go shopping

  I go shopping with my parents every Saturday afternoon.

  2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets. Translate them into Chinese.

  1. No matter how many difficulties we have, I believe all problems can________(solve) in the end.

  2. Mobile phones should __________ (keep) off during the meeting.

  3. Teenagers under 18 must _______________(not allow) to smoke or drink.

  4. Many parents think learning from books must ______________ (put) first, so teenagers should______________ (not encourage) to work part- time.

  Keys: be solved be kept not be allowed

  be put not be encouraged


  2. 开会时手机应该保持关机状态。

  3. 18岁以下的青少年决不允许喝酒或抽烟。

  4. 许多父母认为青少年在学校学习应该放在首位,因此他们不应该被鼓励去做兼职工作。

  IV. 中考链接

  1. The river smells terrible. People must ________________ dirty thing into it.


  A. be stopped to throw

  B. be stopped from throwing

  C. stop to throw

  D. stop from throwing

  2. This book _______ often _______ from the library. (北京市中考题)

  A. aren’t; take away

  B. taken away

  C. isn’t; taken away

  D. be taken away

  Keys: BC

  V. Homework

  Write a diary entry explaining which rule(s) you do not agree with at home and how you think the rule(s) should be changed.

  Use the following expressions to help you:

  I do not agree with …

  I think I should be allowed to …

  I would like to …

  I could … if I …








7.《Unit7 Work With Language》教学反思
