


  Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit "". Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men.


  Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth!

  皇 帝:难道我愚蠢吗?不!我不能让别人知道(心里所想)。这布太漂亮了!我十二分满意。(目光看起来十分高兴)

  The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy)

  随 员:陛下,真是美极了!您就用这美丽的布料去做成衣服,参加游行大典吧。

  With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade.

  旁 白:皇帝答应了,并且封两个骗子为爵士和御聘织师,还赠送一枚可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。到快要进行游行大典的时候,皇帝就和他的骑士取衣服。

  Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes.


  Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages.

  骑 士:没错。

  Knight: yes.
