

  Franz: That young lad Rolfe, of course.

  Liesl: Father, may I be excused?

  C: Hmm. Children, in the morning I shall be going to Vienna.

  Children: Not again, father!

  Gretl: How long will you be gone this time, papa?

  C: I'm not sure, Gretl. I'm not sure.

  Louisa: To visit the Baroness Schneider again?

  Frederick: Mind your own business.

  C: As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa.

  Marta: Why can't we ever get to see the Baroness?

  Louisa: Why would she want to see you?

  C: It just so happens that you are going to see the Baroness. I'm bringing her back with me to visit us all.

  Children: Good!

  C: And uncle Max.

  Children: Uncle Max!!

  (Liesl goes out to the yard)

  Liesl: Rolfe! Oh, Rolfe!

  Rolfe: No, Liesl. We mustn't.

  Liesl: Why not, silly?

  Rolfe: I don't know. It's just...

  Liesl: Isn't this why you're here waiting for me?

  Rolfe: Yes, of course. I've missed you, Liesl.

  Liesl: You have? How much?

  Rolfe: So much that I even thought of sending you a telegram, just so that I'd be able to deliver it here.

  Liesl: Oh, that's a lovely thought. Why don't you? Right now.

  Rolfe: But I'm here.

  Liesl: Please Rolfe. Send me a telegram. I'll start it for you. Dear Liesl.

  Rolfe: Dear Liesl, I'd like to be able to tell you how I feel about you. Stop. Unfortunately this wire is already too expensive. Sincerely, Rolfe.

  Liesl: Sincerely?

  Rolfe: Cordially.

  Liesl: Cordially?

  Rolfe: Affectionately.

  Liesl: Hmmm...

  Rolfe: Will there be any reply?

  Liesl: Dear Rolfe, Stop. Don't stop. Your Liesl. If only we didn't always have to wait for someone to send father a telegram. How do I know when I'll see you again?