

  巴尔斯医生在颁奖仪式中解释 所以他去了巴布亚纽几内亚 当他是位年轻的医生时 他要看看世界

  82.So he went to Papua New Guinea.


  83.When he got there, he went to work in a hospital, and he was curious what kinds of things happen to people that bring them to the hospital.

  当他到那里时 他去那里的医院工作 他很好奇 那里的人因那些问题会来医院

  84.He looked through the records, and he discovered that a surprisingly large number of people in that hospital were there because of injuries due to falling coconuts.

  他翻阅了医疗记录后发现 来那个医院资料的原因中 相当多是因为 坠落的椰子所造成的伤害

  85.One typical thing that happens is people will come from the highlands, where there are not many coconut trees, down to visit their relatives on the coast,where there are lots.

  一个典型的事件经过是: 一些来自没有许多椰子树的高地的人 去到有许多椰子树的海边拜访亲戚

  86.And they'll think that a coconut tree is a fine place to stand and maybe lie down.

  他们想椰子树下似乎是 很适合站立或躺下的地方

  87.A coconut tree that is 90 feet tall, and has coconuts that weigh two pounds that can drop off at any time.

  椰子树有90英尺高 每个椰子约二磅重 随时可能掉下来

  88.A team of doctors in Europe published a series of papers about colonoscopies.

  有一组在欧洲的医生发表 一系列有关结肠镜检查的论文

  89.You're all familiar with colonoscopies,one way or another.


  90.Or in some cases,one way and another.


  91.They, in these papers, explained to their fellow doctors who perform colonoscopies, how to minimize the chance that when you perform a colonoscopy,your patient will explode. (Laughter)

  在这些论文里 他们解释给他们的同事 如何降低他们的病人 在检查时爆炸的几率

  92.Dr. Emmanuel Ben-Soussan one of the authors, flew in from Paris to the ceremony, where he explained the history of this, that in the 1950s,

  曼纽 . 边生医生见到其中一位作者 从巴黎飞来参加颁奖仪式 在仪式里 他解释在1950年代 有关这方面的历史

  93.when colonoscopies were becoming a common technique for the first time, people were figuring out how to do it well.

  那时 结肠镜检查才开始成为一个普遍的技术 大家都在摸索如何做才是最好

  94.And there were some difficulties at first.


  95.The basic problem, I'm sure you're familiar with, that you're looking inside a long, narrow, dark place.

  你们对基本的问题可能有些熟悉 你要看一个很长 很窄且很黑的地方

  96.And so, you want to have a larger space.


  97.You add some gas to inflate it so you have room to look around.

  所以你加入一些气体来膨胀它 让你有空间可以看清楚

  98.Now, that's added to the gas, the methane gas,that's already inside.


  99.The gas that they used at first, in many cases, was oxygen.


  100.So they added oxygen to methane gas.


  101.And then they wanted to be able to see, they needed light, so they'd put in a light source, which in the 1950s was very hot.

  然后为了他们能够看清楚 他们需要亮光 所以他们就加上光源 在1950年代 那时的光源很热

  102.So you had methane gas, which is flammable,oxygen and heat.

  总之 那时你有易燃的甲烷,氧气,和热

  103.They stopped using oxygen pretty quickly. (Laughter) Now it's rare that patients will explode, but it does still happen.

  但他们很快就停用氧气了(笑声) 现在 很少有病人会爆炸 但是仍然时有发生

  104.The final thing that I want to tell you about is a prize we gave to Dr. Elena Bodnar.

  最后 我要告诉你们的是我们 颁发给伊莲娜 . 巴特那医生的奖项

  105.Dr. Elena Bodnar invented a brassiere that in an emergency can be quickly separated into a pair of protective face masks.

  伊莲娜 . 巴特那医生发明了一个在紧急时 可以很快分开成 两个口罩的胸罩

  106.One to save your life, one to save the life of some lucky bystander. (Laughter) Why would someone do this, you might wonder.

  一个可以救你自己的命 另外一个可以救一个很幸运的旁观者 你可能会想 为什么会有人要做这个?

  107.Dr. Bodnar came to the ceremony and she explained that she grew up in Ukraine.

  巴特那医生来到颁奖仪式 她解释说: 她是在乌克兰长大的

  108.She was one of the doctors who treated victims of the Chernobyl power plant meltdown.

  她是最早治疗切尔诺贝利核能厂核灾的受害者的 医生中的一名医生

  109.And they later discovered that a lot of the worst medical problems came from the particles people breathed in.

  他们后来发现许多最严重的医疗问题 主要是因为他们吸入的物体

  110.So she was always thinking after that about could there be some simple mask that was available everywhere when the unexpected happens.

  之后她就经常在想 若是意外突然发生 有什么简单又随手可得的口罩

  111.Years later, she moved to America.

  多年后 她搬到美国

  112.She had a baby, One day she looked, and on the floor, her infant son had picked up her bra, and had her bra on his face.

  生了一个小孩 有一天 她看着她的小孩 在地上拣起她的胸罩 将她的胸罩放在脸上当口罩

  113.And that's where the idea came from.


  114.She came to the Ig Nobel ceremony with the first prototype of the bra and she demonstrated: (Laughter) (Applause) ["Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate (2008) in economics"]

  当她来到颁奖仪式的时候 她带了第一个原型样本 来示范 [保罗 库格曼 2008年诺贝尔经济奖得主]

  115.["Wolfgang Ketterle, Nobel laureate (2001) in physics"] I myself own an emergency bra. (Laughter) It's my favorite bra, but I would be happy to share it with any of you,should the need arise.  [沃尔夫冈 克特勒 2001年诺贝尔物理得主] 我自己也拥有一个紧急用胸罩 这是我最喜欢的胸罩 但有需要时 我会很乐意和你们任何一个人分享

  116.Thank you.
