

  他们确实有得到 刚介绍的每一项确实都拿到 搞笑 诺贝尔奖

  39.In 1991, I, together with bunch of other people, started the Ig Nobel prize ceremony.

  在1991年我和其他一些人创立了 搞笑诺贝尔奖

  40.Every year we give out 10 prizes.


  41.The prizes are based on just one criteria. It's very simple.


  42.It's that you've done something that makes people laugh and then think.

  就是你做的能让人笑 然后思考

  43.What you've done makes people laugh and then think.

  只要你做的能让人笑 然后思考

  44.Whatever it is, there's something about it that when people encounter it at first, their only possible reaction is to laugh.

  不管是什么当人 第一次碰到它时 他们唯一的反应是笑

  45.And then a week later, it's still rattling around in their heads and all they want to do is tell their friends about it.

  然后 一星期后 那件事仍盘踞在他们的脑中 他们唯一想做的就是要告诉他们的朋友

  46.That's the quality we look for.


  47.Every year, we get in the neighborhood of 9,000 new nominations for the Ig Nobel prize.

  每一年我们收到大约九千个 新的搞笑诺贝尔奖项提名

  48.Of those, consistently between 10 percent and 20 percent of those nominations are people who nominate themselves.

  其中 一直都有百分之十到二十是 自己提名自己的

  49.Those self-nominees almost never win.


  50.It's very difficult, numerically, to win a prize if you want to.


  51.Even if you don't want to, it's very difficult numerically.

  不管你是想赢 或不想赢都很难。

  52.You should know that when we choose somebody to win an Ig Nobel prize, We get in touch with that person, very quietly.

  你知道吗当我们 选中一个搞笑诺贝尔奖的得主 我们会先和私下他联络

  53.We offer them the chance to decline this great honor if they want to.

  我们给他们一个 拒绝领这个很荣耀的奖项的机会

  54.Happily for us, almost everyone who's offered a prize decides to accept.

  我们很高兴 几乎每位被选中的得主都决定 接受这个奖

  55.What do you get if you win an Ig Nobel prize?


  56.Well, you get several things.


  57.You get an Ig Nobel prize.


  58.The design is different every year.


  59.These are always handmade from extremely cheap materials.


  60.You're looking at a picture of the prize we gave last year, 2013.

  你现在看到的是 我们去年颁发的2013年的

  61.Most prizes in the world also give their winners some cash, some money.

  大部分的奖 都会给得奖者一些奖金

  62.We don't have any money, so we can't give them.

  我们没有钱, 所以我们无法给他们奖金

  63.In fact, the winners have to pay their own way to come to the Ig Nobel ceremony, which most of them do.

  事实上,我们的得主要自己付旅费 来参加搞笑诺贝尔奖的颁奖仪式 大部分的人会来

  64.Last year, though, we did manage to scrape up some money.


  65.Last year, each of the 10 Ig Nobel prize winners received from us 10 trillion dollars.

  十位搞笑诺贝尔奖的得主 每一位都得到十兆元的奖金

  66.A $10 trillion bill from Zimbabwe. (Laughter) You may remember that Zimbabwe had a little adventure for a few years there of inflation.

  一张十兆元的辛巴威纸钞 你可能记得辛巴威在过去几年发生一点事 就是通货膨胀

  67.They ended up printing bills that were in denominations as large as 100 trillion dollars.

  他们最后印的纸钞 是以十兆为单位

  68.The man responsible, who runs the national bank there, by the way, won an Ig Nobel prize in mathematics.

  顺便提一下,负责此事的国家银行首长 赢得了搞笑诺贝尔奖的数学奖

  69.The other thing you win is an invitation to come to the ceremony, which happens at Harvard University.

  另外,你会得到一张 搞笑诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式的邀请函 仪式是在哈佛大学举行的

  70.And when you get there, you come to Harvard's biggest meeting place and classroom.

  当你去的时候, 你会来到哈佛最大的会场兼教室

  71.It fits 1,100 people, it's jammed to the gills, and up on the stage, waiting to shake your hand, waiting to hand you your Ig Nobel prize,

  在那里一万一千人 挤得水泄不通 在讲台上, 等着和你握手 和颁发奖给你的是

  72.are a bunch of Nobel prize winners.


  73.That's the heart of the ceremony.


  74.The winners are kept secret until that moment, even the Nobel laureates who will shake their hand don't know who they are until they're announced.

  所有得主都被蒙在鼓里 即使在这些诺贝尔得主会握他们的手时 他们仍不知道这些人是谁

  75.I am going to tell you about just a very few of the other medical-related prizes we've given.

  我现在要和你们分享我们颁奖过的 几个其他和医疗有关的奖项

  76.Keep in mind, we've given 230 prizes.


  77.There are lots of these people who walk among you.


  78.Maybe you have one.


  79.A paper was published about 30 years ago called "Injuries due to Falling Coconuts."

  30多年前 有一篇发表的论文题目是 “坠落的椰子导致的伤害”

  80.It was written by Dr. Peter Barss,who is Canadian.

  这是加拿大的比得 · 巴尔斯医生所写的

  81.Dr. Barss came to the ceremony and explained that as a young doctor, he wanted to see the world.