


  Well, I had a house. And it was very clean.

  我之前有一栋房子 而且它很干净

  But, whatever the task, you won’t be sorry.

  但是 不管任务是什么 你都不会失望的

  Max and I are a great team.


  And when we set our mind to something, we accomplish it

  并且如果我们下定决心去做某件事 我们都会完成

  - and you can consider giving us… - Oh, stop. This is not the dental school


  - 你可以考虑给我们… - 别说了 这又不是牙医学院的面试

  Come on. This is scrubbing toilet. In or out?

  拜托 这只是刷刷马桶 到底干不干?

  We are in, all the way.

  我们加入 全心全意的

  In my experience, when someone tells you they are all the way in, you’d better

  hope their tongue works.

  据我的经验 如果某人对你说他已经全入了 你也就只能指望他舌头功夫厉害了

  So dirty!


  We can start tomorrow. Just tell us where to go and we will be there.

  我们可以明天开始 谨遵您的指示

  Oh, OK.


  Well, you walk out your door, you take right, you go upstairs,

  你们走出房门 往右拐 上楼

  you open my door and you clean my apartment.

  打开我的门 打扫我的公寓

  It’s audition


  Can I just take off my shirt like in Fame?

  我能不能像《名扬四海》里那样 一脱当面试?

  Excuse me.


  Here is your non-sexual appetizer.

  这是您的开胃菜 不带一点性暗示

  You and I will start small.

  我们认认真真 从头开始  You like?


  Yes, good boy. Now, go.

  喜欢 乖狗狗 现在走吧 [呼应上文的"我就待你像只狗"]

  Forced to clean Sophie’s department, this is getting dicey.

  被迫来给Sophie打扫屋子 有点危险啊