

  It’s double-D day.

  今天是诺曼D杯登陆日啊 [Dday指诺曼底登陆 double D指罩杯]

  Oleg, this is our neighbor Sophie.

  Oleg, 这是我们的邻居Sophie.

  I would like to have a plate with sausage on it while I look over the menu

  先要一盘香肠 其他的我看了菜单再说



  You are like someone super-sized Victoria's secret angel.

  你就是丰满版的维密天使嘛 [维密天使是著名内衣品牌维密的模特代称 ]

  I'd like to Gisele on your Bundchens.

  就让我的吉赛尔来唤醒你心中的邦臣吧 [Gisele Bundchen是维密旗下超模]



  You are gonna act like a dog, I’ll treat you like a dog.

  你要装的像只狗 我就待你像只狗

  Well, there goes his photography career.

  啊哦 摄影生涯毁了啊

  Do you still want the sausage?


  Yes, of course. Why should sausage suffer?

  肯定还要啊 为什么现在才说上香肠啊

  You know how to handle yourself. Impressive.

  你知道如何保护你自己 干得好

  That was like a game of rock paper pervert.

  石头色狼布 一物降一物

  Sophie, thank you for coming in.

  Sophie 谢谢你能来

  Max and I wanna to talk to you about taking you up on your offer to work for your

  cleaning company.


  Yeah, she wants to do it for money to pay for our website.

  是的 她想赚点外快好维持网站的运行

  But I wanna do it cause I like rummaging through strangers' medicine cabinets.

  我是喜欢在人家药箱里乱翻 看能捡到宝不

  Have you cleaned a house before?