





  1.Why didn't the man visit the Great Wall?

  A.He was ill.

  B.He had no time.

  C.He didn't know the way to it.

  2.What do you know from the conversation?

  A.The man had to work over time.

  B.Henry failed to meet the man.

  C.The man had a traffic accident.

  3.What is the woman going to do next?

  A.Pick up her boyfriend somewhere.

  B.Go to the cinema.

  C.Meet her boyfriend at a park.

  4.What is the man doing?

  A.Playing in the rain.

  B.Watching a football match.

  C.Listening to the radio.

  5.What can't European children do on the Internet?

  A.Play computer games.

  B.Listen to music.

  C.Make films.




  6.What does the man suggest the woman do tonight?

  A.Go to the party.

  B.See a film.

  C.Go to a concert.

  7.What does the woman have to do tonight?

  A.Take care of her brother.

  B.Visit her brother.

  C.See her brother off.


  8.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Doctor and patient.

  B.Policewoman and driver.

  C.Teacher and student.

  9.Why did the man have to be punished?

  A.He killed a dog in the street.

  B.He hit the woman.

  C.He drove too fast after drinking.

  10.What's the speed limit in the business center of a city?

  A.40 mph.

  B.50 mph.

  C.60 mph.


  11.Why is the woman so happy?

  A.She started carrying a credit card.

  B.She got an ID card of her own.

  C.She's got some money belonging to her.

  12.What advice does the man give the woman?

  A.She must have enough money with her.

  B.She should not buy everything she wants.

  C.She must care about her credit card and ID card.

  13.How much can the woman spend at most with her credit card?




  14.What does the woman think of the credit card?

  A.It makes it easy to spend money.

  B.It encourages us to spend money.

  C.It requires us to pay the bank back.


  15.Why did the man warn the woman?

  A.Because she took a little animal home.

  B.Because she fed a little bear.

  C.Because she played with different animals.

  16.What will the two speakers do the next day?

  A.Ride horses.

  B.Go fishing.

  C.Go sightseeing.

  17.Which of the following is true?

  A.They will go to sleep without fire.

  B.They will cook hamburgers over fire.

  C.They will go to the forest to take a walk.


  18.Why is the man angry with the woman?

  A.The restaurant hasn't kept a table for him.

  B.She hasn't got any idea who he is.

  C.She hasn't given him a phone call.

  19.How is the problem solved?

  A.The woman helps the man find another room.

  B.The man calls to tell his friends not to come.

  C.The woman agrees to get the man a table.

  20.What does the man do?

  A.He's a businessman.

  B.He's the head waiter.

  C.He's a policeman.


  1-5 ABBAC 6-10 CABCA 11-15 ACBAB 16-20 AAACA


  Text 1

  W:Did you have a good time in Beijing?

  M:Yes,on the whole.But I wish I had visited the Great Wall.

  W:Why didn't you?

  M:I was sick and had to cancel that part of the trip.If only I had been feeling better.

  W:What a shame!

  Text 2

  M:If the traffic wasn't so bad,I should have been home at six o'clock.

  W:What a pity!Henry was here to see you.

  Text 3

  M:Sarah,don't eat your lunch in such a hurry.It's not good for your stomach.

  W:Dad,my boyfriend is coming soon to pick me up to go to the movies.

  Text 4

  W:Don't play in the rain.Tommy,or you will catch a cold.

  M:No,I find it great fun to play in the rain.

  Text 5

  M:Are you allowed to use the Internet for school work,games and music?

  W:No,but 13 million European children are.

  Text 6

  M:How about going to listen to a concert tonight?

  W:I'd love to,but I've got to babysit my little brother,Richard.

  M:Do you really have to?

  W:Oh,yes.My parents will be out,and I've promised them that I'll look after him.

  M:It's a pity that you can't go with me.

  Text 7

  W:OK,your driving license.

  M:Here!Listen to me,officer,it wasn't my fault.It was that dog.

  W:What dog?I didn't see any dogs.

  M:It's true,officer.There was a dog in our street.If it wasn't for the dog,we wouldn't have almost hit you.

  W:How fast were you going?

  M:Well,it was about 50 mph or less.I was driving very slowly.

  W:50 mph?Don't you know the speed limit in the business center of a city is 40 mph?All right.That'll be one hundred dollars.

  M:Wait a second!What do you mean“one hundred dollars”?

  W:It's one hundred dollars.Speeding and driving after drinking.You can't fool me with that smell on your breath.

  Text 8

  W:I am happy I started carrying the credit card that the bank gave us.

  M:Why is that,Kate?Did you use it to buy something?

  W:I sure did.On the way home I stopped at the store to buy some beef for dinner because I didn't have any cash with me.

  M:And they permitted you to pay with the card?

  W:Yes.They didn't even ask me to give them ID card.

  M:You have to be careful.If you lose them and someone finds them,the bank will charge you for what you buy.

  W:How much has the bank allowed us to spend with the card?

  M:Fifteen hundred dollars.The bank encourages us to use the card,but they will also require us to pay them back.

  W:You are right,Henry.I'll remember that.But the card sure makes it easy to spend money.

  Text 9

  W:This place is so peaceful!Look at those stars!

  M:Yes,when you get away from all of the noise and pollution in the city,you feel a lot closer to nature,don't you?

  W:That's for sure!I've never seen so many different kinds of animals.I wish I could take a baby bear home;the one that ate part of my hamburger was so lovely!We should at least have taken its picture.

  M:Unfortunately,you're not allowed to take them out of the park,and you are not supposed to feed them either.You shouldn't offer your hamburger.Don't do that again!I mean it.

  W:OK,I won't do it again.

  M:What are we going to do tomorrow?

  W:It's up  to you.Would you like to go fishing at the lake?

  M:I'd rather go sightseeing again.Can't we go horseback riding?That way we can see a lot of things.

  W:That's a great idea!I love horses!And I can go fishing some other day.

  M:Well,we'd better get some sleep.The fire is almost out,but I'll throw some water on it to be safe.We don't want to start a forest fire.

  Text 10

  W:I understand how you feel,sir.But there simply isn't any room.The person who took your booking must have forgotten to write it down.I'm afraid it was just a mistake.He is new,you see.

  M:Just a mistake?Do you realize that I've invited some very important people to dinner?That mistake could make me lose an important business partner.

  W:I'm sorry,sir.I suggest you call them and explain the problem.I'm sure you'll find several other very good restaurants around here.

  M:I can't get in touch with them now.They are probably on their way at this very minute.Surely you could fit one more table in.

  W:Not unless you'd like me to put you in the hall,sir.

  M:Well.OK.That's better than nothing.