

  The United States, Great Britain took the war on Iraq(伊拉克) in late March, 2003. 1 over twenty days American soldiers were in Baghdad, the 2 of Iraq. They ended the government(政府) of Saddam. 3 Iraqis died in the war. Saddam is 4 . No one knows __5 he’s dead or alive.

  In some parts of the city there was no light because of the war. Some oil wells(井) were set on fire. Now the Iraqis need food, water and __6 . Many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need hospital care. People also need 7 to find their family members.

  After the war, some Iraqis broke into Saddam’s palace, government buildings, and stores. They 8 many things from Iraqi Museums. Other Iraqis are angry that the U.S soldiers didn’t stop the robbers(抢劫者). So far there is 9 no government of Iraqis.

  The reason for American soldiers taking the war is that they are 10 weapons of mess destruction(大规模杀伤性武器). But by June6, they hadn’t found any at all.

  1. A. In B. After C. By D. During

  2. A. city B. town C. capital D. village

  3. A. Thousand B. Thousand C. Thousand of D. Thousands of

  4. A. A. tired B. run C. gone D. forgotten

  5. A. if B. when C. how D. that

  6. A. spaceships B. flowers C. people D. medicine

  7. A. an idea B. a way C. a plane D. a bridge

  8. A. bought B. borrowed C. stole D. brought

  9. A. still B. ever C. yet D. already

  10. A. looking at B. looking for C. giving up D. putting down




  1. B。根据事实报道,他们经过二十多天的战斗后才到达巴格达。

  2. C。巴格达是伊拉克的首都。

  3. D。thousands of 成千上万的,thousands 前不加具体的 数目,是个概数。

  4. C。战后,萨达姆不知去向,下落不明。所以选择gone。

  5. C。if引导宾语从句。

  6. D。下一句“许多在战争中受伤的士兵和人民需要医生、护士的护理”告诉我们需填medicine。

  7. B。人们需要的是找到亲人的办法,而不是主意。

  8. C。战后伊拉克混乱,联军潜进博物馆抢走偷走珍品。

  9. A。报道时政府还没成立。still表示“仍然,还”。

  10. B。联军侵占伊拉克的目的是寻找大规模的杀伤性武器。


  Crocodiles (鳄鱼) 1 their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand. Baby crocodiles use their teeth 2 their way out of the shells (壳).

  Crocodiles only live 3 it is hot. They are found in Australia 4 America. They spend most of 5 time lying around in the rivers. The crocodiles’ long tail 6 when the animal is swimming. It is an excellent weapon(武器). It 7 be used to strike (打击) the 8 . One blow will knock 9 a man or even a big animal at 10 . The crocodile has a hard neck. It cannot turn its 11 from side to side and so it can 12 see in front of itself. The crocodile has its teeth 13 by the crocodile bird. For its food this bird takes the bits in the crocodile’s mouth. This helps the crocodile a lot 14 it cannot move its tongue up and down. 15 its terrible teeth it catches its food. The food may be a fish, an animal, or even a careless man.

  A. lay B. lie C. lain D. lying

  A. to feel B. to turn C. to break D. to rush

  A. when B. while C. where D. if

  A. as B. and C. but D. so

  A. its B. hot C. their D. cold

  A. is used B. for help C. very useful D. be helpful

  A. should B. can C. need D. must

  A. friend B. enemy C. student D. family

  A. soon B. far C. up D. down

  A. most B. best C. once D. worst

  A. tail B. head C. eyes D. body

  A. not only B. still C. even D. only

  A. pulled B. cleaned C. taken D. brushed

  A. because B. so C. if D. whether

  A. Under B. Between C. For D. With