




  1. A。lay eggs产卵,下蛋lay-laid-laid。lie躺,位于lie-lay-lain,说谎lie-lied-lied。

  2. C。小鳄鱼破壳而出。

  3. C。鳄鱼住在热的地方。where引导地点状语。

  4. B。

  5. C。与前面的They对应。

  6. A。被用来。其他的选项有语法错误。

  7. B。can 表示一种能力,意为它的尾巴能用来攻击。

  8. B。敌人。

  9. D。knock down 撞倒。

  10. C。at most最多,at the best处于最佳状态,at once立刻,马上。根据意思应为“立刻把一个大的动物击倒”。

  11. B。根据上文脖子硬,那当然是头不能转动,而不可能是尾巴,眼睛或身体。

  12. D。而头不能转动,就意味着只能看前方的东西。

  13. B。have sth. done 让某事被做。Have its teeth cleaned 让鳄鱼鸟给它清洗牙齿。

  14. A。根据上下文之间的联系,这里是陈述为什么对它有帮助的原因,因此用because。

  15. D。固定搭配,意为“用牙齿”。


  During the war, an English pilot (飞行员) was hurt. But he was 1 by a group of nuns (修女). He had been very 2 and lost his sense. When he came to himself he was 3 to find a woman beside him. It was Sister Mary. She said to him, “This is a woman hospital. We will 4 you here as long as 5 , but you will have to follow our advice.”

  The pilot 6 to make himself up for a nurse. He could not talk with the nurses or the nuns. He had to stay in a small room as 7 as possible. He was asked to shave (刮胡子) every day, wearing a beautiful 8 , and the nurse’s uniforms (制服) . It was a very difficult time, however he didn’t feel very 9 especially when one of the nursing girls caught his eyes. She was very quiet, and ran away whenever she saw him looking at 10 . The pilot found 11 fall in love with her.

  One day he found the nurse working in the kitchen 12 . He went over to her and said, “Please don’t do that. I love you so much.” He started to put his arms 13 the nurse, and then drew back 14 . He found that the nurse was actually 15 pilot saved by the nuns just like himself.

  A. caught B. saved C. killed D. helped

  A. lucky B. hungry C. strong D. weak

  A. angry B. sorry C. surprised D. worried

  A. hide B. put C. take D. stop

  A. possible B. able C. possibly D. need

  A. decided B. liked C. agreed D. asked

  A. soon B. much C. early D. late

  A. clothes B. cap C. shoes D. sweater

  A. lonely B. alone C. hungry D. hungrily

  A. him B. me C. her D. she

  A. her B. him C. herself D. himself

  A. lonely B. loudly C. happily D. alone

  A. behind B. in front of C. around D. on

  A. happily B. sadly C. in surprise D. in danger

  A. another B. the other C. others D. the others