

  10.(2015·福建,34)ChinaTodayattracts a worldwide readership,________ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.

  【答案与解析】which 句意:《今日中国》获得全世界读者的关注,表明世界上越来越多的人想了解中国。which引导非限制性定语从句代替前面整句话。

  11.(2015·湖南,29)It is a truly delightful place,________ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.

  【答案与解析】which 句意:这真是一个令人高兴的地方,这个地方看起来和一百年前一样,有蜿蜒的街道和美丽的小屋。先行词a truly delightful place是物,且在非限制性定语从句中作主语,所以用which引导。

  12.(2015·天津,15)The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ________ his employees enjoy their work.

  【答案与解析】where 句意:这家公司的老板正试图创造一个员工都喜欢工作的轻松环境。先行词为抽象地点名词,定语从句中缺少状语,故用where引导。

  13.(2015·江苏,21)The number of smokers,________is reported,hasdropped by 17 percent in just one year.

  【答案与解析】as 句意:据报道,仅一年的时间,吸烟人的数量就下降了百分之十七。此处由as引导非限制性定语从句,表示“正如……”。

  14.(2015·四川,3)The books on the desk,________ covers are shiny,are prizes for us.

  【答案与解析】whose 句意:桌子上封面发光的那些书是给我们的奖品。引导词在定语从句中作定语修饰covers,故关系词用whose。

  15.(2015·陕西,15)As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time ________ he should be able to be independent.

  【答案与解析】when 句意:作为家里最小的孩子,艾历克斯一直期盼他能够独立。先行词为时间名词the time,定语从句中缺少状语,所以填关系副词when。