Module 1 Unit 2 New York is in the east of America教案范文(2)


  在地图上标注east, south, west, north(边拍手边/或做动作,根据句子分别指上、下、左、右)复习Chant:

  Up is north, north ,

  Down is south, south ,

  Left is east, east ,

  Right is west, west .

  (注意纠正他们的发音.让全班来一遍后让各组比赛一下看哪组最标准、最整齐、最响亮,可以设计一个学生说单词,其他学生抢答单词并做动作,【可以省略:根据口令做动作lease turn to north. Please turn to South. Please turn to east Please turn to west.】)


  老师问:“Do you know where these cities are?”老师引导学生听录音里面的城市,然后放录音,学生边听边看SB2 Unit 2活动1的地图,让学生踊跃上黑板写出自己听到的城市(如果比较难写,可以带书本),把录音中提到的美国城市和国家名称写在黑板上.再放录音,请学生跟读,纠正发音.

  老师把所有单词重复一遍,然后通过问答展现句型Where is New York? It’s in the east of America. What about San Francisco? It’s in the west of America……

  老师问Where is …,学生抢答。突然老师问Where is Canada? 【学生可能会答错,老师就可以引出另外一种不包含表达法。】

  老师说:Where is Canada? It’s north of America. Where is Mexico? It’s south of America.

  句型比较:Where is New York? It’s in the east of America.

  Where is Canada? It’s north of America.



  1. (很惊喜的表情)老师快速指地图上的某个城市或某个国家,让学生抢答。


  ask and answer in pairs(小组内两人一组相互问答)Where is…? It’s in the…  5.课文学习

  请学生边听边看,熟悉韵诗的内容.着重学习Tennessee,再放录音,学生跟读.掌握Chant后【学生边拍手边chant】,完成AB Unit2练习3.再听录音,根据录音判断练习中陈述是否正确.


  学生自主总结。再回到板书上,老师快速指某个城市或国家,一组同学问Where is …,另外一组同学答:It’s …

  7.课后作业:SB Unit2活动3听录音模仿语音语调,特别注意句子中的重音部分.