

  6. Figure Out If Grad School Is Worth It明白究竟值不值得去读研究生

  If you’re graduating college and still don’t know what to do next, graduate school is an option.Figure out which graduate degrees are worth the debt and find out if graduate school might be worth it for you.


  7. Start Cooking for Real开始真正的学做饭

  Given the tiny (or nonexistent) kitchens most college students deal with and perhaps too much prior assistance from Mom & Dad restaurant, cooking isn’t a skill universal to college grads. Pick up some essential kitchen skills, learn how to make some basic meals and still stay within your food budget, and brush up on other top cooking tips you should know.


  8. Know How to Brand Your “Useless” College Degree知道如何包装你那“不起眼”的大学学历

  Not everyone graduates with one of the best-paying degrees. If yours is among those with the worst return on your money, not all hope is lost. During your job search, even a “useless” degreecan be shown as valuable.
