

  Over the past six months, I've spent my time traveling. I think I've done 60,000 miles, but without leaving my desk. And the reason I can do that is because I'm actually two people. I look like one person but I'm two people. I'm Eddie who is here, and at the same time, my alter ego is a big green boxy avatar nicknamed Cyber Frank.在过去的六个月的时间里,我一直把时间花在旅行上。我想我大概旅行了6万英里,但我并没有离开自己的桌子。我能这么做是因为我其实是两个人。我看起来是一个人但我其实是两个人。此时此地我是艾迪, 与此同时,我的另一面是一个四四方方的虚拟角色,昵称是赛博弗兰克。

  So that's what I spend my time doing. I'd like to start, if it's possible, with a test, because I do business stuff, so it's important that we focus on outcomes. And then I struggled, because I was thinking to myself, "What should I talk? What should I do? It's a TED audience. It's got to be stretching. How am I going to make — ?" So I just hope I've got the level of difficulty right. So let's just walk our way through this. Please could you work this through with me? You can shout out the answer if you like. The question is, which of these horizontal lines is longer? The answer is? Audience: The same. Eddie Obeng: The same. No, they're not the same. (Laughter) They're not the same. The top one is 10 percent longer than the bottom one. So why did you tell me they were the same? Do you remember when we were kids at school, about that big, they played the same trick on us? It was to teach us parallax. Do you remember? And you got, you said, "It's the same!" And you got it wrong. You remember? And you learned the answer, and you've carried this answer in your head for 10, 20, 30, 40 years: The answer is the same. The answer is the same. So when you're asked what the lengths are, you say they're the same, but they're not the same, because I've changed it.所以那就是我花时间正在做的事。我希望现在,如果可能的话,做一个小测试,因为我的工作就是与商业有关,所以我们关注结果这对我们非常重要。然而随后我却很纠结,因为我自己考虑了下,“我该怎么说呢?我该怎么做呢?这可是一场TED的演讲啊。压力好大。我要怎么把它做好呢?”所以我只希望它的难度比较适中。所以让我们现在开始吧,拜托大家和我一起考虑这个问题好吗?如果你愿意的话,你也可以把答案喊出来。问题是这样的,哪条水平线更长一些呢?答案是?听众:一样长。艾迪奥本格:一样长。错,他们不是一样长。他们不一样。上面的那条比下面的长10%。所以为什么你们告诉我他们一样长呢?你们还记得小时候在学校,当你才这么高的时候,老师也曾跟我们玩过一样的小把戏吗?目的是为了教我们什么是视差效应。你们还记得吗?你们曾碰到过,你们回答,“一样长!”你们答错了。想起来了?你们那时候知道了答案,记在脑海中,10年,20年,30年,40年。答案就是一样长。答案就是一样长。所以当你们被问起哪个比较长,你们会说一样长,但是它们其实不一样长,因为我做了手脚。