

  【摘 要】自古以来,文化与翻译互相依赖,互为补充。唐诗作为中国文化史上的一枚奇葩需要借用翻译活动推向世界,而不同民族间的文化差异阻碍了这一文化的交流和融合,因此,理解文化差异、加强文化交流是提高唐诗翻译的根本,也是全世界理解和欣赏唐诗文化的关键。


  Abstract: For many years, translation activity and cultural sense are indispensable from each other. The poems produced in Tang dynasty, a cultural relic in Chinese history, needs to spread and be appreciated by the whole world. But the cultural difference between the West and China has slowed down its influence and speed. Therefore, to enhance the mutual understanding and communication is the key to perfect the translation of pomes in Tang dynasty, which can also better westerners’ appreciation to our ancient cultural achievements.

  Key words: Cultural difference, communication, poems in Tang Dynasty, appreciation

