Mom and Dad taught us some basic etiquette rules to follow at the table: keep your mouth closed while chewing, don't talk with your mouth full and keep your elbows off the table. Although that last one may no longer be very important, the others still are, especially when it comes to what not to do at a business lunch. In addition, there are other rules to follow. They may seem to be simply a matter of common sense but given what the author has seen of late, that commodity seems to be in short supply.从小我们就被教导:进食的时候应该把嘴巴合起来,当嘴里都是食物的时候不能说话,手肘不要放在桌子上。尽管最后一条听起来没那么重要,但其他的还是很重要的,特别是与别人共进工作午餐的时候,除此之外,还有一些规则要遵守。也许看起来如同常识一般简单,但就笔者最近的观察,这些注意事项都被大多数人忽视了。
1. Don't Floss Your Teeth1. 别剔牙。
While there's no arguing the importance of dental hygiene, tending to it should never be done in public.没错,保持牙齿清洁卫生是很重要的,但是这决不能在公共场合做。
2. Don't Brush or Comb Your Hair2. 不要梳头发。
Nobody wants hair in their food and when you run a comb or brush through yours.没有人希望在你梳理头发的时候发现有一两根在自己的食物里面。
3. Don't Blow Your Nose3. 不要擤鼻涕。
While we're on the topic, if you sneeze at the table, go to the restroom to wash your hands.当大家正在谈话的时候,如果你打喷嚏,那么就请移步洗手间并洗手吧。
4. Don't Talk on the Phone4. 别打电话。
If you get a call, go elsewhere to take it, but only if it's a good time to do so. If you and your dining companions are in the middle of discussing something important, wait for the best opportunity to leave the table.如果你的电话响了,请到别的地方去接听,但当然要在适合的时机才能去。如果你正与合作伙伴谈论重要的事情的时候,请等到合适的时候才去接听电话。