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  Hello, welcome to langya mountain tour, I am your guide **.

  During The Three Kingdoms period, chuzhou became the battlefield of wei wu. Chaos "of western jin dynasty" eight king, reed {langya} Wang Sima farce in chuzhou mo tuo southwest ridge, hence the name reed {langya} mountain is located in southwest of chuzhou city of anhui province reed {langya} foothills, joyous pavilion, changsha love late pavilion, with Beijing hangzhou lake and said "China's four big famous pavilion". It is one of the most famous historical sites in anhui province, and this pavilion is written by ouyang xiu, a great prose writer of the song dynasty. The pavilion is small and unique, with features of jiangnan pavilion. It was close to the steep mountain wall, and the cornices flew out. For hundreds of years, though they have been robbed repeatedly, they have been repeatedly rebuilt, and they have never been forgotten. After the liberation, the people's government listed the drunkard pavilion as a provincial key cultural relic protection unit, and renovated many times.

  During the reign of song ren, the government was corrupt and powerful. Ouyang xiu, who was in charge of the movement, advocated the reform of politics, and did not avoid slander, and dared to expose officials' private affairs, so he offended the minister of the left. He made a false accusation against the emperor. Will listen to the letter of the letter, ouyang xiu chuzhou.

  A year (1045 AD), ouyang xiu came to chuzhou, and met the monk zhixian monk of langya temple, and soon became a bosom friend. In order to facilitate the visit of ouyang xiu, he built a small pavilion at the foot of the mountain, which is known as "the drunkard pavilion". From then on, ouyang xiu often went to the pavilion with friends to drink wine, "taiji to drink in this, drink less often drunk, and the year is the highest, to help the number of drunken weng." It gets its name. Ouyang xiu not only drinks here, but also runs the business. There is a psalm of praise: "for a man who is merry and merry, he is in a pavilion." After the completion of the pavilion, many visitors were attracted. At that time, the doctor who was too often did so, and then came to see him, and then he composed the music of "the drunken man" (" the eunuch "), and ouyang was the match. Now, a pair of couplet in front of feng gong temple, "the sound of the spring sounds like the taiji, and the sea day has been shining on langya mountain", that is to say. After several years of years, ouyang xiu and shen as reunion, "half up wine", shen did play guqin playing "drunk weng songs", "GongSheng in idea", "with the wind light RiNuan bird, cheng SAN night ring spring waters song". The sound of the music reminds the European public of the time in the pavilion is the reminiscence of the past, that is to give a poem. There was only one pavilion at the beginning of the drunkard pavilion, and in the last year of the northern song dynasty, the tang dynasty was built beside it. In the Ming dynasty, it began to flourish. It is said that when the house was built to "hundreds of columns", it has been destroyed many times. During the qing dynasty, more than one garden was reduced to rubble. It was not until the seventh year of emperor guangxu (1881) that the observation of the whole pepper was restored to the former.

  The architecture of the area is compact and unique, and the pavilion is small and unique. It has the characteristics of jiangnan garden. The total area is less than 1000 square meters, but there are nine different buildings and attractions. It is also known as the "jiujing scenery", which is called "drunken weng". There is a spring in front of the drunkard, the stream is beside the spring, and the water is gurgling all the year round, and the wind is clear. In the pavilion, there is the inscription on the inscription of the song dynasty writer and calligrapher su shi's calligraphy, which is called "the word of ou wensu". At the top of the pavilion, there was a high platform, called "the palace of the emperor xuan", which appeared on the stage, but saw the mountains in front of the pavilion and the horizontal leaves of the trees. After the pavilion, Lin tao's ups and downs, flying through the ears, like in a painting.

  Zuiweng pavilion for famous because of ouyang xiu and the zuiweng pavilion ", for hundreds of years while repeatedly by moving, but will not be forgotten, once someone wrote a antithetical couplets: "weng to eight hundred years, simple in; In the six or seven hills, the pavilion is not lonely." After the liberation, the people's government listed the drunkard pavilion as a provincial key cultural relic protection unit, and renovated many times. Today, the site is more spectacular than ever.

  Chuzhou is located in the north of Yangtze river, the Yangtze river delta, the western margin of the "nanjing metropolitan circle" core city, city north wing "wan jiang demonstration zone", since ancient times, jianghuai guarantee "jinling". Chuzhou has a history of more than 1500 years, called besmear, desire, the state built the sui dynasty, wenchang northern song dynasty, both with the jiangsu of rhyme, assemble the wind of the jianghuai lake, one thousand years, for the beauty of taojiang river huai left the state. Chuzhou has been under the jurisdiction of langya, south qiao, lai 'an, quanjiao, nanjing pukou and so on. In 1992, it merged with chuxian district to form the present chuzhou city. Chuzhou is late winter region key city, the ancient capital of nanjing jiangbei portal, national household appliances and equipment manufacturing industry base, national city etc, the characteristics of China's top ten leisure city, the national advanced city, the famous historical and cultural city in anhui province scientific and technological progress.

  Reed {langya} mountain is the first places of late winter, as the national key scenic area, national forest park, the national AAAA level tourist area, national key cultural relics protection units, one of the 24 big culture famous mountains in China, one of the one hundred most famous mountains, one of the five major scenic spots in anhui province. In the scenic area, the hills, temples, pavilions, pavilions, ancient roads and ancient passes are all on their own. They are elegant and unique. The mountains are mountainous and mountainous, and the valleys are deep, the valleys are deep and the forests are dense. Its high jams, jia can be hidden, qing zhuo, you can rest, aromatic recoverable, li xu natural landscape, gradually formed the Chinese and foreign tourists yearning reed {langya} mountain "eight" (famous mountains, acquainting, pavilion, name spring hole, name, name, name, Lin) cultural scenic spot.

  Langya mountain is a beautiful scenery with a long history. Li Youqing as early as the tang and song dynasties, wei yingwu himself, ouyang xiu, xin qiji, wang anshi, mei yao-ch 'en, song lian, levy Ming, 曾巩, Xue Shiyu countless writers and painters through the ages, dignitaries for the development of mountains and rivers, adding to build pavilions, fude, leaving a large number of, excellent cultural heritage, has a "famous mountains, acquainting, a pavilion, name spring, famous, including" six scenic spot. The dismissal of reed {langya} famous buddhist temple in late winter, also is one of national key temples, Song Jian zuiweng pavilion by northern song dynasty literary giant ouyang xiu's "the zuiweng pavilion" and famous, known as the first pavilion "day". Langya mountain has such a story.

  A monk who traveled around the world to chuzhou and saw the picturesque scenery of xishan, built a temple on the mountain called "xishan temple". He also took in a small monk called detachment, and the young monk was very strange, but he was not enlightened. The monk taught him to forget for a few months. As a result, even the "amitabha" can only remember two words, and one of them was pronounced. It became "mortuo". The old monk was so angry that he went down the mountain alone. Half a year later, the old monk heard that chuzhou locust infestation, the heart is worried, worried about detachment to go back to the temple, the result see the small super long tall, strong! No plague of locusts! Later, it was known that the original small and great had been cooking stones to eat, boiled stones yellow like apricots, soft like taro, sweet peach.

  The next day, the old monk said, "transcendence, you have read the book of mortua, it is true, you have become a Buddha. From now on, we all read the 'mortuo', which is also called the 'temple of moro'.

  From then on, the incense fire in the motuo temple was flourishing for one day, and people changed the western mountain to "mount mortuo". Time passes like water. In a blink of an eye, the end of the western jin dynasty. At that time shandong had a langya king, the name is sima rui. He was robbed of his life by the eight Kings. I had to pack up and run south. Along the way, during the day, hiding in the temple, at night picking up the path one foot high and low. On this day, I came to live in a broken grass shed under the mountain of mortuo. I did not think that because of the days of toil, langya wang, the heart of the heart, the pain of the middle of the night, the pain on his head, the cold sweat, his face as yellow as paper, rolled over in the shed until dawn. As it happens, a water monk at the motuo temple saw it and hurried back up the hill. Soon, a bowl of fragrant tea was brought from the mountain, so that langya king could drink it.

  After a while, langya wang stretched out his waist and felt the pain in his heart. He was also strong and had no illness at all.

  Langya wang said to the monk, "thank you for saving your life. My heart disease is very small since childhood, the crime has not been ten and a half months, the herb has eaten not much, but the disease is getting heavier and heavier. What kind of magic medicine did the master use?"

  "Go out and do good. Save one life, win the seven - level. The donor does not have to be generous. It is made of the stones of this mountain and all kinds of herbs, and all the diseases can go to the root. "Why, can the stones on the hill heal?"

  Monk will cook stone temple patriarch master mo tuo even the story from the beginning to the end of the spoke 1 time, say again: "stone not to cook food now, because when the master put boiling water spilt on the piedmont of the stone mountain, the mountain is covered with plants. So the plants and the trees can heal. But I do not know the name of the host, the accent is not the local people, how to fall in the wilderness?"

  Langya king dare to tell the truth, hu made up a set of say: "my surname liu, call liu shun. I live in jui county, shandong province. Because want to go to jiangnan to visit friends and relatives, half way up short of winding money, have to suffer hunger and cold all the way. I want to find some work to do here, so that I can get enough money to go to jiangnan.

  The monk said to langya wang, "don't worry. As long as you do not hesitate to come to chuzhou, you will not worry about food and clothing. There is a saying in this place: 'chuzhou is the land of the poor, with two ropes.' You see that there is wood on the mountain, grass, herbs, rabbits, mountains and mountains. It is a mountain."

  Langya king sima rui looked up on the mountain, and sure enough, there were men and women who were cutting wood and cutting out medicine for the jujube, and from the green trees came the sound of mountains singing. From then on, the king of langya lived in the mountains, and he gathered his brothers in the mountain. Before long, sima rui led the army to the Yangtze river, established the eastern jin dynasty in jianye city, and sima rui became the first eastern jin emperor. One day, sima rui, an emperor of the eastern jin dynasty, led the civil and military officials from the construction industry to chuzhou to see the scenery of the xishan motuo temple. Shay smart recalled his victim here be saved, the station troops gather food, and he ordered the imperial edict: will extend the mountain temple, change "mo tuo temple" as the "reed {langya} temple", to "mo tuo mountain" to "reed {langya} mountain". He also ordered the doctor to live in langya mountain to collect the grass, and to make "langya plant", widely spread the world, to save the people's sufferings.





  庆历一年(公元1045年),欧阳修来到滁州,认识了琅琊寺住持僧智仙和尚,并很快结为知音。为了 便于欧阳修游玩,智仙特在山麓建造了一座小亭,欧 阳修亲为作记,这就是有名的《醉翁亭记》。从此, 欧阳修常同朋友到亭中游乐饮酒,"太守于客来饮于 此,饮少辄醉,而年又最高,帮自号曰醉翁也。"醉 翁亭"因此得名。欧阳修不仅在此饮酒,也常在此办 公。有诗赞曰:"为政风流乐岁丰,每将公事了亭中"。 醉翁亭落成后,吸引了不少游人。当时的太常博士沈遵便慕名而来,观赏之余,创作了琴曲《醉翁吟》(一曰《太守操》),欧阳修亲为配词。现在冯公祠前面的一副对联"泉声如听太守操,海日已照琅琊山",便是说的这件事。事隔数年之年,欧阳修和沈遵重逢,"夜阑酒半",沈遵操琴弹《醉翁吟》,"宫声在迭","有如风轻日暖好鸟语,夜静山响春泉鸣"。琴声勾起了欧公对当年在亭是游饮往事的追忆,即作诗以赠。 醉翁亭初建时只有一座亭子,北宋末年,知州唐属在其旁建同醉。到了明代,开始兴盛起来。相传当 时房屋已建到"数百柱",可惜后来多次遭到破坏。清代咸丰年间,不止个庭园成为一片瓦砾。直到光绪七 年(公元1881年),全椒观察使薛时雨主持重修,才使醉翁亭恢复了原样。















  琅琊王司马睿往山上一看,果然有男男女女在砍柴剜药打山枣,从绿树中传来一阵阵山歌声。从此后,琅琊王就装成个打柴汉子住在山中,一边集合四方兄弟,一边在山中集粮屯兵,日夜操练。没过多久,司马睿带领人马浩浩荡荡打过长江,在建业城建立了东晋王朝,司马睿成了第一个东晋皇帝。 有一天,东晋皇帝司马睿带领文武百官从建业来到滁州观赏西山摩陀寺风光。司马睿想起当年自己在这儿落难得救、屯兵聚粮的往事,便吩咐传下圣旨:将山上寺院扩建百间,改“摩陀寺”为“琅琊寺”,改“摩陀山”为“琅琊山”。他还命御医住在琅琊山搜集山中百草,编成《琅琊草木篇》,广传天下,救四方百姓疾苦。