

  Feedback is a gift, they say, and it’s one of the most powerful tools in your skills toolkit as you grow as a manager and a leader. It's important to know when to give feedback and how to do so in an effective and constructive way.人们说,反馈就像一份礼物,当你晋升至经理领导层,它就成了你技能库里一项最有力量的工具。知道何时该给下属反馈,通过何种有效且有建设性的方式给予反馈非常重要。

  There are a few rules that you should observe here in order to make this effective:如果你希望你的反馈能达到目的,不妨参照以下几个方法:

  1. Always be specific rather than making sweeping statements.1.具体精准而非泛泛而谈。

  Refer to a specific (recent) occasion, a particular action in order to focus the discussion on a tangible case.指的是评论特定的场景(或最近的情况),某一活动,这样做就为了把讨论的话题围绕着具体的事件。

  2. Describe the behaviour rather than evaluating it.2.描述行为的本身而不是对它做出评判。

  Express what you have observed, and how that makes you feel, rather than making a judgment on whether a particular behaviour is good or bad.说出你所观察到的,以及你的个人感受,而不是盲目地评判某一行为的好与坏。

  3. Focus on the behaviour rather than the person.3.对事不对人。

  A person cannot change who they are but they can change the way in which they behave so focus on that specific way of acting.一个人无法改变自己的性格,但可以改变自己的行事方式,所以请关注在事情的处理方式上。

  4. sure you’re giving feedback for the right reason.4.确保你的反馈有理有据。

  Think of what the effect will be on your relationship with the person receiving the feedback, and make sure that you’re not simply venting your frustration but rather that you’re giving constructive input.想一想这次反馈对于你及接收反馈的对方在关系上的影响,同时得确保你不只是发泄自己的不满,相反,你在给予有建设性的输入。