


  1844年罗虚代尔公平先锋社在英国诞生,揭开了现代合作社运动的序幕。国际合作社联盟于1895年在伦敦成立。1922年,国际合作社联盟决定将每年7月的第一个星期六确定为“合作者的节日”(International Day of Cooperatives) 。1992年联合国大会通过决议,宣布1995年7月的第一个星期六为联合国国际合作社日,以纪念国际合作社联盟建立100周年,并决定考虑将来每年都将此日定为联合国国际合作社日。

Message on International Day of Cooperatives


5 July, 2014


  This year’s International Day of Cooperatives falls at a critical time. The United Nations is working to lay the groundwork for success on three major fronts in 2015: reaching the Millennium Development Goals; achieving a meaningful new climate agreement; and adopting a long-range agenda for inclusive sustainable development.


  Cooperative enterprises can help further these objectives. They are helping communities in both developed and developing countries to generate energy, manage water supplies and provide other basic services. Cooperatives are particularly important to agriculture, food security and rural development. In the finance sector, cooperatives serve more than 857 million people, including tens of millions who live in poverty.


  As member-owned, member-run and member-serving businesses, cooperatives can put social justice and equity at the heart of economic progress while helping to ensure that the production and provision of goods and services matches the needs and aspirations of communities.


  On this International Day of Cooperatives, let us commit to making even greater use of these arrangements to empower people and usher in a more sustainable future.



  世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification),1994年12月19日第49届联合国大会根据联大第二委员会(经济和财政)的建议,通过了49/115号决议,从 1995年起把每年的6月17日定为“世界防治荒漠化和干旱日”,旨在进一步提高世界各国人民对防治荒漠化重要性的认识,唤起人们防治荒漠化的责任心和紧迫感。