


  Here we go. we 're a little caught off guard just six years ago. My mood before the exam seems to be more nervous than the final exam, after all, this is the first time! The night before yesterday, I tried to review, finished reading the Chinese paper and mathematics, English books also turned over again and again, when it comes to English words all remember, restaurant ( restaurant ) rote also won 't write back, sister to help me solve the problem, she taught me to remember the word of the second method, I will write in a short time. I think: learning methods are very important.

  I was impressed by a test question when I examined the language: I thought for a moment and wrote the answer: metaphor. After just know the correct answer is the personification, I don 't understand a bit, compare the old bridge to old friends this is reasonable, why it is wrong. I think for a long time, understand the reason.

  When it comes to taking an examination of English, it is much easier, the night before yesterday I have a good review, back to all the words and key sentences, the next morning and learn for a while, and as the saying goes; Where there's a will, there's a way. I think I 'm sure I 'll get good grades.

  Chinese English test is over, will meet the next lesson in mathematics, mathematics, I seriously calculate each test question, mathematics, lest write wrong, answer the paper, I checked again, actually found two wrong questions. I am happy and sad. Glad that my mistake can be corrected, lost a few minutes; Sadly, I 'm so careful calculation and wrong questions.

  The first monthly pass is over, I have a lot of harvest, feeling a lot, I will work harder in the future, strive to surpass yourself, win yourself!


  With the fall of the national day, the first month of the third year has waved goodbye to us. A month 's time has passed quietly in this tight 2: 1 daily life. At the beginning of the new semester is also worried about the class, is more determined to improve grade three this year. For the new environment, new teachers, new curriculum, etc., after this month 's learning has gradually adapted. Compared with the previous two years, the results of the monthly examination have also improved. More importantly, under the guidance of teachers to learn the better application of knowledge and further develop a better learning habits.

  Language: always weak items, do the ability of the topic is not hard enough, even lose points. And the biggest mistake in the exam, was generally considered to be very simple to read, I saw is to write Han Han, happy too much, so that forget what the answer thinking skills, everyone got 8 points, I only got 3 points, just the gap between the average score. Poetry appreciation needs to be strengthened, otherwise, can see the high score, can 't see almost zero eggs, variance is too big, is the performance of the weak foundation. Also, to strengthen the accumulation of materials.

  Mathematics: since the beginning of the main subjects, time and energy input has received a certain effect. Keep going. However, a problem is very serious, in addition to the last 9 points, other I will, how these points are lost, details! A test paper, was drawn three times similar to write only > problem, have you made a mistake?

  English: it 's ok this time. Reading didn 't have to say, English practice branch school and their own, and I do basic zero, rely on school alone. And others do more than the school, you are not a good reflection? Squeeze more time out to finish reading, the reader of the world!

  Physics: this month 's exam, the first big question first asked mathematical calculation error, and then the second question is still holding the wrong answer to calculate, ah, be careful, be careful. Do not do many questions, the difficulty of college entrance examination is reduced, don 't drill difficult questions. The teacher is good, follow the teacher, tube rice!

  Chemistry: one of the main subjects in school, but the foundation is weak, need more efforts. The exam had the right answer clearly in his mind and I wrote other answers, lost n points, are not strong enough to review the results. Think more and ask more!

  Biology: one of the weak points, this is a better escape than expected. Even if you are not interested in learning, you must listen carefully and finish your homework carefully. This section with the teacher can solve completely, but you pay enough. In addition, think too much, clearly the answer came out, you also take it for granted that drop wrote a few times you think may but a little contradictory answer. Also, the blank representation is still not standardized.

  In the future study life, there is still a long way to go, good study habits is the guarantee of success. My goal is not to let myself feel sorry in all exams. Learning without thinking is not digestion, I believe that for learning problems, have a good learning attitude, after their own thinking and summary will improve their learning quality.


  Mid - term exam is over in our nervous and busy review, good, bad, into, lost, happy, sad, have passed, we have to do now is to sum up seriously, positive reflection, adjust the mentality, and then determine the future.

  This mid-term exam not only gives us the opportunity to find our own shortcomings, but also lets us know our true level. Give us the direction of the efforts! Test is like fishing, every test you will find the loopholes in the net, after a repair, fishing again and again, in the middle school entrance examination, your knowledge and ability of the net must have been firmly established. This mid-term exam, each of our classmates has experienced failure, pain and success baptism, got the opportunity to hone, reflect and sublimation of self, this is our biggest harvest. The mid-term exam scored high marks, it is gratifying, because it is the crystallization of sweat in the past stage. But this achievement does not represent all, not the future. Success has its own joy of success, as a driving force, all the way forward, will succeed in series, in order to cast a greater success. However, failure also has the charm of failure, because temporarily failed, we have expectations, in the effort to look forward to, in the expectation, will eventually usher in the hope of the sun. Success is not the capital of pride, but failure is the reason to work hard. Someone, in order to invent something, how many times failed, to finally achieve the final success, should not just exemplify the material. War can win is a good man, repeatedly defeated and war hero. Hard work, is beautiful.

  The mid-term exam, no matter what grades, should cause us to think enough.

  We must reflect on our learning habits. Are you listening and taking notes in class? Is the operation completed in time and independently? Active learning, active learning? Do you pay attention to the answer specification, writing neatly?

  Second, we should reflect on our diligence, hard work, concentration. Learning is always the sweet fruit of bitter roots. All ideas of paying less and reaping more are unrealistic. We have to ask ourselves more: in the face of homework, in the face of pressure, are you complaining? Our study, is the heart without distractions, poor, or the heart of apes, shallow taste?

  Three to reflect on our compliance with the Convention. Is it in line with the school rules and regulations? Consciously abide by the accommodation discipline, dining discipline? Pay attention to environmental health, pay attention to civilization? Are we also pursuing perfection in all areas outside Xi Zhi? Are we creating the most stable and harmonious learning environment for ourselves?

  Students, for the sake of the future, we must seize the present, only good at summing up, to win the future. A test is not the end, more can 't represent all our strength. Life road has a sunny day, there are rainy days, we can 't weather, but can change the mood, we can 't change the face, but can show a smile, we can 't change the world, but can change themselves. We want to come out from the temporary joy, out of the temporary depression, win not arrogant, lose not discouraged, honor not surprised, pay, adjust yourself in time, ready for the next exam!








