


  Thank you very much, director sir, Ladies and Gentlemen.

  Before my speech, I would like to show you a video which happened in Hangzhou about our Hangzhou SME summit, can I?

  Thank you!

  After 3 days, you know, in house meeting Internal and fly all the way here, and I did not feel quite well today. But when I see the entrepreneurs, when I came to the SMEs, I always feel excited. Because when I join the SME Conference, I see, from the eyes, the dreams, the passion, the hope. When I join the Fortune 500 Conference, among the CEOs, I see the numbers, I see the revenues, I see the KPIs, I see the bloody competition. But among the SMEs, you see "I have a dream, I want to do something." And that happens all the time and that makes me excited all the time.

  And today I think last year every people say:"Woo, the economic is in trouble, and we are all dead, what we are going to do?" Today everybody seems to be happy, say the economy come back .Is it really that the economy comes back? I don't think so .The money is going to big companies, the money goes to infrastructure; the money goes back to the stock market. It seems nobody learns from that. How can the economy come back if the SMEs do not come back? How can the economic come back if the dreams are not back, the hopes not come back?

  I saw one thing that, few days, you know, 2 days ago I had a dinner with my Singapore friends and they said: “Singapore government is encouraging to have more babies, Because, you know , people are aging and not enough kids.” I think SMEs, we, every economy, every nation, needs instant package to have more small medium size companies, to have more hopes, because every big company comes from the small business. If without hope, without this kind of instants to have more babies, we are going to die.

  Why I always feel excited? I have 8 babies. In the far past 15 years, I built up 8 companies, seven of them, very healthy; one of them, I sold it. And I keep the babies, when I look at my babies--Alibaba , Taobao, Alipay and you know ,the company we just have AliCloud, we just have a new baby 2 month ago . I always feel excited because you see the hope, you know this baby is going to change me, this baby is going to change the world can change the customers. And that’s the thing I always feel excited. If you want to be happy, have more babies. If you are the government, want your economy to be good, have more SMES. These are the dreams, these are the hope, these are the future. So this is all we want to say, but enough, we’ve been crying, say: “please give us support.” But all the SMES ask yourself one question. We are not crying babies. We believe we are tomorrow’s Google, we believe we are tomorrow’s eBay, YouTube; we believe we are tomorrow’s UPS. If we believe we are, we can be; if you don’t believe, you never be.

  We heard a lot of government say:” (we give you) let me know what we can do. let me know what we can help SMES.” we heard a lot of banks say:” well, we’ve been, you know, give loans to a lot of SMES.”I heard some bank said, well, one of the bank president said: “we gave like, you know, 200 millions US$ to the SMES.”I ask:” what’s the size the loan you give?”20 millions dollars. How can you say the 20 millions? As the research I got, from Alibaba Group (Alibaba statistic), 87% of the SMES, what they need, the fund is below 60 thousand US$. But they gave the loan 20 millions to some big companies, they are not SMES, they are not the hopes.

  But, I think all the SMES say (that) nobody can help you. My 8 companies, I always say, nobody help us, only we can help ourselves. Don’t rely on the government, don’t rely on the bank, forget about that. Rely on your friends, rely on relatives, rely on your small dreams and always keep that thing in head. Because I’ve been trying very hard to get loans from banks, always trouble. Within the past the years, I even did not borrow one cent from banks, my kids grew up, I don’t know why.

  And the banks always say because we don’t have enough information from the SMEs. Tell me, any fortune 500, any big bank, CEOs or presidents go to the SMEs summit? No! They go to the CEOs summit. How could you get information if you do not go there to listen to them, talk to them, share experiences with them? To see what they need is only 50 thousand US$, instead of 20 million dollars. How can you get enough information? So, I think, well, we discussed yesterday say, banks are banks. They always have to control the risk. Right! So government banks, let’s think about something new. New financial structure that can really help those millions of hopeful small companies that need only 50 thousand US $. What is the right structure, what is the right organization to support them? That’s the thing we should think about.

  So the other thing I want to share with you here is always I believe that small is beautiful. And this financial crisis, it gave a lot of disaster; it’s a disaster to big companies. This world, in 21th century, I think in last century, it’s bigger is better. You have big (you know) factory, big amount, everything is big is good. This century, in the 21st century, I always believe small is beautiful. Because it’s not how fast your machine is. It’s not how many equipment you have, it is how quickly you can change yourself to meet the market.

  Because the information time, Internet and technology make a difference. So the world IT last century is designed for the manufacturers. This century IT is designed for making a help to the consumers. So I think this is a disaster for the big company, century disasters for big companies. But it is a great opportunity for small businesses. For this financial crisis, we see a lot of big companies, we would never thought they would die, AIG, to me it’s like the empire, how could this happen. Right all the G, the big car company which we respect, we always want to be there. But today, they all died.

  And let’s look at all the SMES, we still feel painful, but we are happy in our heart because we are still surviving. And we heard so many stories about big companies giving trouble. And I see the society; the government pays too much attention to these big trouble makers. They are the trouble makers and we gave them enough support, let them die; It’s the time for them to die because they make troubles. Every big company, they have different disaster, different problems, but all the SMES, have the same problems. They need understanding and support.