


  This book is a book I read during the summer vacation, because I have heard of this book before and I still look at it in a very expectant mood. When I got my hand, I found it was not in the future, but when I picked up the book, I didn't think that such a thin book would have had such a big impact on me, and I felt very deeply. I thought the book was very good in form and content.

  The 50s of the United States was a quite chaotic period. The dark clouds of the Second World War had not yet dispersed, and the cold war began to spread again. On the one hand, the rapid development of science and technology, on the other hand, people lack of ideal, depressed will, in the social background of their own inability to change, and live a mixed life. As a result, the "collapsed generation" appeared, and Holton was one of them. He smokes and drinks, does not seek to advance, but he does not fall into the place of drug abuse and gregarious, because in his heart, there is still a beautiful and distant ideal as a "catcher in the wheat field".

  The country we live in is undergoing tremendous changes, and everything is changing rapidly. In a sense, this is similar to that of the US in the 50s. Social progress, people's ideas and ideas are also changing, many people began to be confused, depressed, they gradually forgotten their ideals, without the initial enthusiasm, began to yearn for mediocrity. We are a group of children living in the new age, and naturally we have been used to confusion and trouble, but we should concentrate on our minds, our path, and we should be a group of ideal and ambitious people. If Holton did not have his pure ideal, he would fall to the end. It was his ideals that made him survive. Ideal is the guiding light of man. It brings people to the future and leads to light. Our life has just begun, even though life has made our generation a little confused and hesitant, but everything is only temporary, not all will be in the past, what we need most now is our ideal.

  Yes, there is hope in ideal, hope in tomorrow, tomorrow will be better! I also believe that as long as we have the courage to pursue an ideal heart, there will always be a day for us to succeed.