



  总之,万变不离其中,英语一的话题就这几大方向,再根据真题出题年份间关系来推未来20xx年考题应该还是合理的。所以,20xx年的英语一考生们还是放心与话题,目前阶段应把注意力放在基础知识的学习上,如语法。英语一大作文第一段的描图部分是一个人基本功的展现,望大家快乐展望未来的时候,也不要懈怠哦!英语作文 篇8

  At times we have to announce some event we are going to have. Our announcement, which may be an oral one or a written one, has to be easy to understand.

  In general it must contain four W's and one H, which are Who, What, Where, When and How. These are important items to which attention is to be paid. How we arrange these things is entirely up to us.




英语作文 篇9

  Losing weight

  Nowadays,you can hear these words here and there.Espacially the girls or women.They often say :"I will eat less ,I want to lose weight.But do you think that's really an easy thing for people to lose weight?

  Maybe different people have different idea about that .To some people ,it's so easy.When they are putting on weight ,they will try their best to lose weight .For example,they will do morning excercises and eat less everyday.But to another kinds of people ,they also hope to become thin ,but at they same time ,they can't contral themselves to eat more,so it's difficult for them to lose weight.

  To me .I think fat is not a real problem,the most important thing is you should try your best to do something that can help you .Do anything you can do to keep your body healthy!

英语作文 篇10

  Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On Making Friends。 You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below。




  On Making Friends

  If I ask you: "Do you have friends?" You might smile and answer,"Sure, I do!" Yes, everyone of us needs friends and we all have friends。 Friends are like small boats that take us to safe harbors。 Friends are like trees that give us shade in hot summer days。

  True friendship depends on mutual trust。 True friends always help and learn from each other, but they never trouble each other with trifles。 A true friend will keep a secret for you and so will you for him。 True friends may not share the same way of life, but they are likely to share the same way of thinking。 True friends never take advantage of each other。 In a word, true friends are friends through thick and thin。

  I appreciate the kind of friendship mentioned above。 I adhere to the principle of XXX friends with those who are honest and reliable, that is to say, friends should be trustable and dependable。

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