

英语作文 篇5

  As we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means.

  In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasn't met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.

  Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.

  My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success."





英语作文 篇6

  Stay at the Door Of Fate

  Stay at the Door Of Fate

  Zhu is a special man who prefers to appear in front of the audience with a born black face rather than a carefully made-up one ;Zhu is a direct and warm-hearted man who has the nature of a northwest big man deep in his blood; Zhu is an emotional man who has strong responsibility and great passion for his forever identity ,a soldier ,and endless love for his family ,which comes first before being a host of CCTV. There's no doubt that the former little-experienced young man has become a popular TV personality, who's liked by millions of people throughout the country. Famous for the face-to-face talk show "Art Life", Zhu Jun made incredible achievements and his fame is rising higher and higher.

  Having being an actor of "xiang sheng", Zhu masters different skills of speaking. Before he went to CCTV, he had been in Lanzhou military area command for many years and already married a fine girl. At that time, he was a host in Lanzhou TV station and more or less famous in his hometown. But then CCTV went there to make a feature show and his life began to change. He was luckily chosen to host the show with Yang Lan, who was quite popular then. Thanks to the show, he was appreciated by a famous director called GaoLimin and also became friends with Yang .She suggested he go to Beijing and try to develop his career. Her words woke him up.

  After a period of self-struggle, Zhu took all his savings of 20xx yuan and left Lanzhou for Beijing, for his dream. He lived in a small and cheap hotel and even couldn't find a way to get into the door of CCTV. He couldn't contact with Gao and Yang at first. But his stable heart beat the difficulties. Later he found out that Gao was just looking for him. So he was nearer to his dream. His chance came when the director asked him to host the "East South West North and Middle" show . Soon he became known to the audience all over China. He could be recognized by passers-by when walking in the streets. It made him confident and happy.

  From then on ,he was truly accepted by CCTV and became a professional host. He was determined to stay there and never to be back to Lanzhou TV station. There left only one way for him, that was working on ,on and on, and never to regret the choice to stay. He did try hard and more and more chances were given him to appear in different shows and live programmes . He was known by more and more directors of CCTV and viewers enjoyed his shows. People got familiar with his face, voice and the way he spoke, and hosted gradually. So he realized his dream. His career has experienced great changes from the very second he made up his mind to go to Beijing.

  At present he has shared laughters and tears of many red hot stars and excellent artists with his viewers in his well-known show "Art Life". People of all ages and all fields, old and young ,workers and students, can get their own pleasure and learn something from the show. Zhu even has achieved the "Golden Voice Medal", which is regarded as the highest prize for a host in China.

  What he has gained today may be beyond imagination to him several years ago. But he just acted, tried and succeeded. "Chances never come to people without enough preparation." He likes this motto.

英语作文 篇7

  George Washington was a well-known farmer and soldier before he became the first president of the United States. Here is 1one of the many stories people told about him.


  Once a neighbor stole one of Washington's horses. Washington went with a police officer to the neighbor's farm to get the horse, but the neighbor refused to give the horse up; he claimed that it was his horse.


  Washington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbor, "If this is your horse, then you must tell us in which eye he is blind. "


  "In the right eye!" the neighbor said.


  Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind in the right eye.


  "Oh, I have 2made a mistake," said the neighbor. "He is blind in the left eye. "


  Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the left eye, either3.


  "I have made another mistake," said the neighbor.


  "Yes, "said the police officer, "and you have also shown us that you are a thief. This horse does not belong to you. You must return it to Mr. Washington."

  “不,”警察说:“这再次证明你是个贼,这马不是你的。你必须把马还给华盛顿先生。英语作文 篇8

  In 20xx Sydney Olympic Games, Li Xiaopeng and his teammates were outstanding, winning gold in the prestigious men's team event, a first for China's gymnasts. Li Xiaopeng also won an individual gold medal in the parallel bars.

  However, due to a severe foot injury, Li's performance in 20xx Athens Olympic Games was unsatisfying. China finished 5th in the men's team final and Li only got a bronze in parallel bars after he had been unbeaten since 20xx in major competitions. Li Xiaopeng was tortured by a long-time ankle injury and eventually had an operation in 20xx.

  In 20xx, after suffering through yet another injury, this time in his toe, he came back to compete in the Chinese Nationals and took gold in parallel bars in two World Cups, thus surpassing Li Ning in the number of world titles.

  If Chinese men gymnastics can regain men's team event? If Li Xiaopeng will win his second personal Olympic gold medals? I hope so!

英语作文 篇9

  The New Year is coming and this term has finished.


  Now, I can enjoy a happy winter holiday.


  In winter holiday, I don’t have to get up early every morning. It’s the best thing for me.


  I often get up at nine o’clock in the morning. My parents go to work so I stay at home alone.


  I will go out for breakfast. Noodle, milk and egg are my favorites.


  Then I go back home to watch TV or meet my friends.


  We always have many things to do.


  My parents would go home at noon so I have lunch at home.


  In the afternoon, I will sleep and then do some homework.


  In short, I spend most time in playing. I love winter holiday.



1.my hometown英语作文(汇总)

2.My Cute Brother英语作文「精品」






