

英语作文 篇7

  一、 学术文化篇


  题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。提示词:give up concentrate on be (become)interested in

  ★ 范文

  Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

  Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.



  要求:1. 词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)

  2. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。

  ★ 范文

  How to learn English well

  English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it wellHere are my suggestions.

  First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

  In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.

  二、 素质教育篇


  许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以"Less Pressure, Better Life"为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:

  (1) 同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;

  (2) 我的压力是什么;

  (3) 我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。


  ★ 范文

  Less Pressure, Better Life

  Hello, boys and girls!

  Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.

  I’m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekends. Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.





  ★ 范文

  Leifeng was known as a pattern that offered help to others selflessly. He devoted all this life into his beloved career as well. I, myself, was totally shocked by his character.Such is human nature; people trace the good, water flows to low. Everyone should copy his sprit as our daily life goes instead of uttering a meaningless slogan “learn from Leifeng, our decent idol”, so that we could definitely see a lot more smiling faces rather than conflict.

  To help others is not a hard thing, however, what you need is to consist doing it. Take myself as an example. I am the representative of Math, to collect homework is my daily task, however, I would turn them to the right page for shorten the time for teachers when correcting them.

  I strongly propose that we shall see a better world if each of us treat Leifeng as our model and copy his spirit.

  三、 现代生活篇





  ★ 范文

  I think healthy habits are very important for us.

  All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.



  提示词语: three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy/ sorry

  ★ 范文

  How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I will graduate from middle school in a month. I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you. I had so many memories in three years’ life. One of them impressed me very much. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping me. Little by little, I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it. I think I am so lucky to become one of her students. I’ve learned a lot from her. I will try to help others when they are in trouble. I think it is a happy thing to help others.

  四、 社会经济篇


  现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。提示词语:be good for, everyone, ride a bike, think, make a difference, environment, suggest, reuse

  ★ 范文

  Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place.



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  As we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it. They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water into rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers, too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. And I think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water. I think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we can. For example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin to wash our hands and faces. It’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me! Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.

  五、 人生哲理篇


  幸福是什么幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。

  要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确, 字迹工整,80-100词。

  ★ 范文

  Happiness is important in our life. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.

  I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to meet my parents. But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child. Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help. We believe you can be better next time. Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.

  I feel happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love. I want to be a good child for my parents.英语作文 篇8

  Dear teacher,

  I'm so happy write a letter to you,first ,let me introduce myself,i am Sen Guo,and i am from China,i study in the middle school .And because i am going on a short study vacation in your school tomorrow,i want to know something useful about your school,could please tell what courses i must study?so that i can review them,and i'd like to know about the time of the course,because i want to get up on time.Next,could you tell me where and what i can eat?i don't want to..make mistakes,i also want to know where .i will .study.Last,just the important question,i want to know what activities i can do,because i have free time ,i don't want to rest in the school,i only want to do something helpful.

  Teacher,although ,i ask so many questions,that because i am so careful this vacation.I hope i can try my best to finish doing something,so..teacher,i would like to thank you because of your help. So,I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Sen Guo

英语作文 篇9

  It was a sunny balmy afternoon at the end of a leisurely summer。 I was driving on a winding country road with a lady friend。 Little did I know that I was to have a close call that would have almost ruined the rest of my life。

  Earlier that day, a friend called me to tell me that our mutual friend Rosy was arriving back from Taiwan after the summer holidays。 Since there was no airport in the immediate vicinity of the university, she would need a ride to come back on campus。

  Being mildly interested in that girl, I jumped at the chance to play hero。 The trip was not particular long or arduous。 I was to pick her up from a friend’s home that was a mere 80 miles from campus—a piece of cake, I said to myself。

  Everything went well。 The country road was almost deserted。 Visibility was good and I was not driving very fast。 The conversation was lively but not distracting。

  About half an hour into the drive, I rounded a corner and noticed two small children, aged around 10, waiting to cross the road after getting off their school bus。 My mind was not particularly focused on them because I thought they would not cross the road when a truck was coming through on their side。 The two kids looked to their left, watching the truck intensely。 As soon as the truck passed, and without a thought, they started to dash across the road。 I was petrified, to say the least。 My heart almost leaped out of my throat。 Time seemed to have come to a standstill。 It was like a nightmare coming into reality。 I felt I was in the slow motion crash scene of a movie。 I did not even have the time to brake or steer clear。

  By providence smiled on me that day。 The two kids missed my car by less than an inch。 Imagine what would have happened if I had hit them? They would have been killed instantly。 I would have been charged with manslaughter and thrown into jail。 My career would be over before it even got started。 The kind of inhumane treatment I would receive from fellow inmate, I could only guess but hate to imagine。 I will never be a whole person again even if I were to be released early for good behavior。 My life would be over。 Even if I had a good lawyer that could have gotten me off, I would have carried that guilt in my mind for the rest of my life。

  Even today, thirty-six years later, the memory of that day is still fresh on my mind。 I have my lucky star to thank for having both parties gotten off unscathed。









