

英语作文 篇6

  There have been many changes in my life. With the development of the economy my life is better off. For the clothing I have spare money to buy sorts of pretty clothes. But in the past there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe. For the food I usually had traditional Chinese food for every meal rice noodles or streamed ban with one or two light dishes even preserved pickles. Nowadays I can afford any delicious food including western foods. For the housing I have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat. For the getting around I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago. At present I drive my private car to travel. I believe my life will be better and better in the future.

英语作文 篇7

  People always say that if you want to be successful, then you need to never give up. I agree with it. The power of insistence is infinite. It can bring us to our destination. I have made up my mind to finish the task in the planned time. At the beginning, I would write my homework once I got home and I finished it quickly without other’s interruption. But sometimes my friends came to my house and asked me to join the activity, and I would say yes without hesitation. When I got home was almost ten o’clock, all I wanted to do was to sleep, but thinking about the homework, then I decided to finish it and refused to leave them another day. Today’s thing should be done in today. That’s my faith. My insistence helps me to be an excellent student.


英语作文 篇8

  我的兼职工作 My Part-time JobSince the summer holiday comes, I have a lot of free time, as I stay at home all the time, my mother suggests me to take a part-time job, I am so willing to accept her idea, because I want to earn money by myself. I find a job as waiter, I have to work early in the morning, people need to have their breakfast, I serve them. On the job, I earn little money, but I have worked so hard, I get to know it is not easy to earn money, so I start to feel grateful for my parents. Now I won't waste money, before I pay for the bill, I need to measure them.


英语作文 篇9

  After a few weeks, I urge people recovering from loss to get back into a routine," says

  psychiatrist and Boston University professor Bessel A. Vanderkolk."It's important to force yourself to

  concentrate on things other than your hurt." Consider these activities:

  Join a support group. Once you've made the decision to "get on with life", you'll need someone to talk to .... and the most effective kind of conversation can be with someone else who has undergone a severe test.

  Read. When you can focus after the initial shock, reading-- especially self-help books can offer inspiration as well as relaxation.

  Keep a Journal. Many find comfort in creating an ongoing record of their experiences. At best it can serve as a kind of self-therapy.

  Plan events. The idea that there are things to look forward to reinforces that you are forging ahead into a fresh future. Schedule that trip you've been postponing.

  Learn new skills. Take a course at a community college,or take up a new hobby or sport. You have a new life ahead:any new skill will complement it.

  Reward yourself. During highly stressful times, even the simplest daily things - getting up, showering, fixing something to eat- can seem discouraging. Consider every accomplishment, no matter how small, a victory to be rewarded.

  Exercise. Physical activity can be especially therapeutic. "Exercise gets you out of your head and your troubles,"Aronoff explains, "and it allows you to experience your body with your two feet on the ground."















