

英语作文 篇4


  注意:1. 词数:80—120 可以编写对话或其它叙述方式描写你与邻居的交涉过程

  About 9 o‘clock last night, I was doing my homework. Suddenly I heard my neighbor shouting and laughing loudly. He was watching a football game on TV. I couldn‘t go on studying and became impatient. I covered my ears, trying to keep the noises out, but failed. So I had to go my neighbor.

  I knocked at his door and said," Good evening, Mr. Yang! Could you please turn down your TV a bit? I am doing my homework.‘

  “Oh, I‘m really sorry to have disturbed you. We‘ll do as you say.” My neighbor said politely.

  “Thank you very much..” I said and went back to continue my study.



英语作文 篇5

  To give birth to children and raise them was difficult in the past and this was largely the result of the inadequate medical knowledge and equally inadequate medical facilities in those days. Clearly it was because of this difficulty that families of former times tended to play it safe, producing a lot of offspring so as to guard against any possible loss. Of course, such a thing occurs more frequently in an agricultural society than in an Industrialized one as in an agricultural society extended families are the fashion.

  Times change. Most of us live now in an industrialized society where overpopulation is seen oftener as a bane than as a boon, and that is also why family planning is now all the rage, particularly in populous countries. Family planning not only can stem the population growth, but can also provide the needed information for those who want to start a family. To make their lives happier and more harmonious, couples should subscribe to this kind of planning, avoiding unnecessary births of putting a limit on the number of their children, as it is, family planning is meant not only to practice birth control, but also to plan childbirth. as it is, family planning is meant not only to practice birth control, but also to plan childbirth. The following is what I think we should do in regard to the promotion of family planning.

  1) Disseminate information on family planning and persuade people to scrap the traditional thinking that a boy is better than a girl and that having no heir is a shame.

  2) Regard population problems and the way to build a happy family as apart of the educational course.

  3) Positively strive for support from government officials and leaders of a consortium.

  4) Put continuous emphasis on the need to tie up the oviduct or the vas deferens for either sex. In a word, family planning rests with every citizen, not merely with a few persons.

英语作文 篇6

  Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early. 如今,许多年轻人斗都喜欢熬夜,因为晚上有很多吸引他们的活动。由于这些年轻人都是白天在办公室工作,所以他们需要晚上出去寻找乐子,从而导致熬夜。最近,一个26岁的女孩被诊断出患有癌症时,她简直不敢相信。她还那么的年轻美丽,命运一定是在捉弄她。她开始回顾过去的几天。她很累却总是熬夜。她很后悔,如果再给她一次机会,她一定不会再熬夜了。年轻人总是认为他们还年轻人,所以可以忽略这些问题。熬夜就像慢性自杀,为了健康,早点睡吧。

英语作文 篇7


  ①As the graph depicts , …

  ②From the cartoon /picture , we can see that …

  ③According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph ,

  ④The table shows / indicates / reveals that …

  ⑤It can be seen /concluded from the picture / table / figures that …


  ①Recently , …has become the focus of the society .

  ②…has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life .

  ③Nowadays there is a growing concern for …

  ④Nowadays it is common to hear /see …

  ⑤…has become a common occurrence in our daily life .

  ⑥Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of …

  ⑦It is only during the last /past few years that man has become generally aware that …

  ⑧There is an old / popular saying / proverb which says / goes …

  ⑨In recent years , there is a general tendency …

  ⑩Nowadays … has become a problem we have to face .


  ①Some people like / prefer …, while others are / feel inclined to …

  ②There are different opinions among people as to … Some believe … whole hold …

  ③Some people claim that … is superior to … Others , however , disagree with it .

  ④Some people believe … Others maintain … Still others claim …

  ⑤Some people suggest … Others , however , hold the opposite opinion .

  ⑥On the one hand , people tend to … On the other hand , they feel …

  ⑦Some people argue that … Others , in contrast , believe that …

  ⑧Although more and more people come to believe … there are still others who insist that …

  ⑨On the contrary , there are people in favor of …

  ⑩There are some people who hold different opinions about …


  ①My own experience tells me that …

  ②In my opinion , we should attack more importance to …

  ③As for my own idea about … I believe …

  ④As far as I am concerned , I plan to …

  ⑤Personally , I prefer …

  ⑥In my view , both sides are partly right in that …

  ⑦But for me , I would rather …

  ⑧My own point of view is that …

  ⑨In conclusion , I support the statement that …

  ⑩As regards me , I tend to choose …


  ①From what has been discussed / mentioned above , we may conclude that …

  ②Therefore , it is not difficult to draw / come to the conclusion that …

  ③It is high time that something was done about …

  ④From all the reasons / consideration above , it is evident / clear / obvious that …

  ⑤Taking into account all these factors , we may reach the conclusion that …

  ⑥Given the reasons / consideration I have just outlined / discussed / presented , I strongly recommend that …

  ⑦It is clear , therefore , that …

  ⑧All in all ,what really matters is , in fact , to …

  ⑨It is essential that effective measure be taken to …

  ⑩From what has been discussed above , we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that …

  ⑾ In conclusion ,the most important is …

  ⑿ On the whole , it is high time that every one …

  ⒀ As a result , we should take some effective steps to …

  ⒁ Judging by the figures / statistics , it is not difficult to see that …

  ⒂ Only in this way / in so doing , can be really …


  1)There are three reasons for this.

  2)The reasons for this are as follows.

  3)The reason for this is obvious.

  4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

  5)The reason for this is that...

  6)We have good reason to believe that...

  例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly, people’s living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly, most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like. Last but not least, more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life


  如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。


  1)It has the following advantages.

  2)It does us a lot of good.

  3)It benefits us quite a lot.

  4)It is beneficial to us.

  5)It is of great benefit to us

  例如: Books are like friends. They can help us know the world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Therefore, reading extensively is of great benefit to us.









