



英语作文 篇1

  Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, by looking at our own country from outside, we can best see the strong points and weak points of our nation and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds. Second, while studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely, visiting famous scenic spots and making friends with the local people. Thirdly we can use the foreign language in our daily life so that our ability in the second language may be improved quickly. But the most important thing in attending a foreign university is to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in science and technology and make use of the first-rate facilities available. For all these advantages, it is really worthwhile to go abroad for education.

  However, as everything has two sides, there are also some disadvantages in attending a foreign university. The most serious problem is the language barrier. Most of the students who are ready to go abroad do not adequate knowledge of the language spoken there. As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to understand what the instructors are saying. Besides, for lack of knowledge of the customs and way of life of the local people, they may run into trouble in dealing with various situations. Therefore, misunderstandings often arise. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, so most students have to find part-tine jobs in order to help support themselves. Faced with these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies and some students may even fail in their courses and learn little.

  Therefore, given an opportunity to attend a school abroad, one must consider both sides of the factors carefully before making up his mind. On the whole, it is a good thing to go and study abroad particularly when the subject is very weak or not available in our country. But on the other hand, one must not lose sight of the disadvantages.

英语作文 篇2

  Mexico City (Mexico)

  Different styles of architecture can be found throughout Mexico City

  Founded on the ruins of the glittering Aztec capital, Tenochtitan, Mexico City today is a study in startling contrasts. The “City of Palaces” is home to staggering (令人吃惊的)wealth and unspeakable poverty. The picturesque volcanos and mountains that ring the city makes the city's air pollution the worst in the world. A population center since ancient times, modern Mexico City is one of the most crowded cities in the world, with upwards of 20 million inhabitants.

  Despite its problems, the city is a vibrant metropolitan area, alive with history, studded(点缀)with parks, and bustling(熙攘的)with the dynamic of the 20th century. There's no end to activities in this great metropolis, whether your tastes run more toward historic attractions, cultural pursuits, shopping or after-hours partying.

  A 600-plus square block historic district raises blisters(起水泡)on the feet of walking-tourers, but several bus companies provide narrated drive-bys that are gentler on the feet. North of the city are the breathtaking Teotihuacan pyramids of the sun and moon, believed to date from a civilization that flourished between 200 and 400 B.C.

  Participants in an Aztec festival perform Aztec spinning dance

  For culture lovers, the city boasts more than 80 museums, many devoted to art, to history, and to archeological treasures. The grand avenue, Passeo de Reforma, leads to Bosque de Chapultepec, one of the world's greatest archeology museums.

  Shopping is everywhere, from large stores and elegant boutiques to street vendors and bustling weekend markets with bright red awnings(凉篷,雨篷)over the stalls. Crafts from all over the country are available and range from bark paintings and beadwork to ceramics and silver. Bargaining at the markets is expected, so be ready to haggle(讨价还价)。

  Hundreds of bars, discos and night clubs attract the after-hours crowd with live music, margaritas and cold bottles of Dos Equis. As in all big cities, a day in Mexico City can be a 24-hour adventure.

英语作文 篇3

  The Internet becomes very popular in our life. It brings many advantages, but I think we primary students should keep far from the Internet.

  Firstly, we should focus on our study, so we can’t spend too much time on the Internet. We can be easily addicted to it. Secondly, there is much harmful information on the Internet. They would do harm to us. Finally, surfing the Internet for too long is harmful to our eyesight.

  Therefore, primary students should stay far from the Internet.




英语作文 篇4



