

  不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我; 不管相逢在什么时候,我们是永远的朋友。下面是小编收集整理的'写我的朋友英语作文8篇,希望对您有所帮助!

  Article 1: my friend

  He and I are a class, both my classmates and my friends. Play with me at school every day and go home with me when I go to school. He is not tall, dark face covered with a pair of bright eyes, a pair of thick eyebrows eyes, there is a quiet little mouth nose, short black hair. He is Xinpei bartholomew.

  Once, in a running race, I was suddenly tripped by a big stone on the road, and the skin of my feet and hands was broken and the blood was direct. At this time, Miu Xinpei, who was in front of me, felt that the back was not right and stopped. Looking back, I fell to the ground, ran over, lifted me up, and quickly walked to the school health room. The teacher gave me the injured part of sanitary disinfection, irrigation bandage. After we returned to the classroom the teacher thanked. I am very grateful to Xinpei Miao, put the apples in the bag gave him to eat, he faint smile left the classroom. His laughter flowed into my heart.

  His grades are like thermometers, and then rise and fall. One time he scored eighty-one points in careless math test. When the test paper came out, he was very unhappy and determined to make good grades. After the math test, he was a little abnormal. After class, he looked at the extracurricular books and reviewed the contents of the text. Once I asked her out to play, he said I want to test against a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment. Kung Fu did not have pedestrians, he was very good in the examination after the exam, and he had to have the first place.

  Miao Xinpei is a helpful and self-motivated boy. It is a model for me to learn, and a rare friend of mine.

  Article two: my friend

  Mother has a very good friend - auntie, her son is Yang Linkun.

  Yang Linkun is very healthy and lovely. Has a pair of big eyes plump face, showing a little boy unique smart eyes. In the small nose, the mouth was always moving, and sometimes it burst out some funny words. He has a tall figure than his peers. He looks like a student in the first grade. In fact, he only reads big classes.

  Yang Linkun is a little, he love to eat many things: lollipops, ice cream, fries, hamburger...... I think he must be a gourmet expert in the future, hahaha! Every time he and I, he would have asked me to read with him, a really good school child. No matter what sports and games, he will be actively involved, playing a lot of sweat does not stop! Of course, he has shortcomings, too. He always touches my head and makes me feel uncomfortable!

  He always kept changing roles, while holding a long bamboo pole, suddenly waving to you call, "the devil, see!" This is Sun Wukong; and in a moment he wears a Altman mask, "the moonlight is Superman, and shoot at once!" This is Altman; if you are outside the door, he will not let you knock at the door: "little rabbit, open the door, open it, I'll come in." "Open, open, I'll open, mom comes back, quickly open the door." At this time, he was willing to sing the song and open the door willingly. This is a little rabbit. If you want to go on the road, more than him, he wants you to click in his ear and said: "he is willing to give way to Ding Dong". You see who this is, is it not a doorbell?

  This is my friend Yang Linkun, a little boy who is two years old and is both nice and naughty.

  Article three: my friend

  Book is the ocean of knowledge, and I am a small boat sailing freely in the ocean. Book is a gate, let me enter the world of knowledge; books are wings, and make me fly in the sky of knowledge.

  I have really been in contact with books for three years. Change my attitude to the book that is indifferent love. I think the book is like a lonely and lonely friend, like a flame when I feel cold.

  It's like a light in the dark. Now, the "one eye light" has become an essential part of my life. There was a morning in a clear sky. I woke up and went to the study to "gnaw" the book. My eyes over the bookcase, suddenly found a "treasure", "naughty little horse jumping", I took it with relish to read, my mood as the story of ups and downs, the mother came in and said: "in the morning, don't read, please go to english!" I just reluctantly pick up the English book.

  I hold my English book in my hand and sweep my mother with my spare light. That's great. Mom is out. I quickly grabbed the extracurricular books and looked. All of a sudden I felt a little wrong. Looking back, my mother didn't know when I was standing behind me. The book was taken away by mother, and finished... The book can't be seen.

  There is a time of writing, the scenery is writing, I accumulated statements like yeast like attack. I showed the composition to the Chinese teacher, and the teacher gave me 28 points. If before, I will only on the composition of the stare, now is not the same, the more I love this book friend.

  I think: yes! It is the book that broadens my horizons and increases knowledge; it is the compass that books enable me to find in the knowledge world; it is the book that enables me to get spiritual nutrition and let me grow slowly in learning. The story of my book and I will never draw a rest, but it will be more and more perfect. Because it's the book that changed me!

  Article four: my friend

  My friend is not a classmate, not a teacher, not a father, a mother, or a brother and sister. "She" is the singing on the way to school every day.

  Once upon a time, I was very timid, I often depended on others, and I had to go home to school or school. But when I slowly realized that this was a bad problem, my first will have to be fixed: self-reliance.

  Self - standing, what I didn't think about in the past should be in my dictionary. Is it possible? I don't know what to do, mom suggests I start up and down.

  The day of school two was the first time for me to go to school alone. On my way to school, I saw a big sister singing a song and walking leisurely. I thought: can you make up for fear by singing? Certainly. My sixth feeling told me.

  I began to sing: "ant, funny, small bearded head. Ant......"

  I sang while I was happy and boldly, I was not afraid! I beat the bad habits of others with my own song!

  Slowly, the song is accompanied by my reading, walking, running... She has gradually integrated into my life, and my life has become more colorful.

  Thank you, my song! Because you made me go on a self - standing journey!