



  Winter gives us the opportunity to stay inside and look outside, as we' re not called outdoors to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Snuggle up in the sofa, put a blanket over you, have a cup of hot cocoa, and enjoy the observations on this precious season...


  Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: It is the time for home.


  During the winter I am content, or try to think I am. There is a wonderful joy in leaving behind the noisy city streets and starting out along the white road that leads across the hills. With each breath of the sharp, reviving air one seems to inhale new life. A peace as evident as the sunshine on the fields lakes possession of one' s inner being. The trivial cares are driven away by the first sweep of wind that comes straight from the mountains. The intense silence that broods over the snow-bound land is a conscious blessing from the nature.

  在冬季,我很满足,或自认为满足。把喧闹的城市街区抛在身后,沿着白皑皑的公路前往山岗。在每一次强烈,复苏的呼吸下,整个人也好像注入了新生。照射在田野上 的宁静的阳光同时也感染了我们的内心世界。从山岗上径直吹来的第一丝风也将心中琐碎的烦恼一并吹走。白雪覆盖着的大地显得分外寂静,这是一份来自大自然的 祝福。

  Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter: Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.
