

  Now that I'm in middle school, I know that my parents and I should have their own rooms. When they rest, the doors can be closed naturally. But I hope mom and Dad don't close the door of the heart when they close the door. I really hope that sometimes you can turn around and look at me.

  In an occasional opportunity, I saw a saying on the Internet: "we must know that not every parent is like this, every parent has different personality, we can't and don't need to change. All parents love their children selflessly. But love is a double-edged knife. Once you get in the wrong direction, it will become endless emotional violence. How deep love is, how sharp the knife inside will be, and at the same time hurt the loved one and the loved one. Parents are not saints, and adults can't grasp the direction and law of love very well, which can be forgiven, so we don't seek the right love, only the selfless love. Let's think about it carefully. The most unselfish love in the world is given by parents, but it is not necessarily the sweetest, the happiest or the happiest, but this kind of love is the only one. No matter what kind of love is unique, we should cherish it. It's hard to hear. Your parents are dead, and the most selfless love is gone. Even if you meet your lover in the future, that love will never replace the love of your parents. You can define it as I do: my parents and I are always irreconcilable contradictions, but you can't deny that they are the most selfless love for you. If you want them to live, the love will never stop. I hate my parents, but I know their love is the most selfless, and always enjoy, it is not contradictory. Remember, love doesn't need the right expression, it just needs a heart that will understand her

  I've learned that in the face of parents, we can't just hate and repel. After all, they are for our good. If they have any opinions or concerns, they can try to talk with their parents. However, I also hope that every student's parents can think about their own children, think about the transposition, and properly let their children relax their minds. In this way, our so-called generation gap will not appear naturally.








  我知道了,面对父母,我们不能一味地去讨厌,去排斥。毕竟,他们是为了我们好,如果,有意见或者心事,可以尝试去和父母谈一下,然而我也希望每个学生的父母也能为自己的孩子想一想,换位思考一下,适当的让孩子放松下头脑,这样的话,我们所谓的代沟,也就自然不会出现了。  关于父母与儿女代沟的英语作文篇3

  In China, there is an old saying that every family has a hard book to read. There are always some problems between parents and children. It seems that parents and their children can never get along peacefully. Their generation gap becomes more obvious after their children enter adolescence. There are many reasons for this.

  When children reach puberty, they are eager to be independent. They want to stay away from their parents' control. Adolescence means that children grow up, they are no longer children, they want to make their own decisions, so they will become so rebellious, disobeying their parents' requirements all day, they do this to prove that they are adults.  Most parents think of their children as children. In the eyes of most parents, their children will never grow up, no matter how old they are. Parents still regard their children as children, so they will make some decisions for their children. Parents don't want to accept the fact that children have grown up and can make decisions in isolation, so communication barriers happen.

  The generation gap between children and parents is a family problem. Parents should learn to let go, and children should also have a good talk with their parents and communicate more, so that problems can be better solved.












