


  At the time of Han Dynasty, there was a small country in the south-west called Yelang, although it was an independent country, the land was small and the people were few. But since Yelang was larger than the adjacent area, and the king of Yelang had never been to another country, then he thought his country was the largest in the world.


  One day, when the king visited the border with his men, he pointed to the front and said: "What is the largest country here?" In order to appease the king, the men said: "Of course Yelang!"For a moment, the king looked up and watched the tall mountain, and said: "Is there still much higher mountain than this mountain?" The men replied: "There is no higher mountain than this mountain."


  Later, when they came to the river, the king asked: "I think it's the longest river in the world." "Our king is absolutely right," the men replied. Since then, the ignorant king had been more convinced that Yelang was the largest country in the world.


  Once, the Han Dynasty envoy came to the Yelang, the proud and ignorant king, who did not know that the country he ruled was only the same as a county in the Han Dynasty. "My country is larger than the Han Dynasty." he told the envoy.
