


  Unearthed Qin Terracotta Army in Xi'an in China it is unique in the world, the one and only, is the world precious historical relics!

  When we see Terracotta Army of Qin, Qin Terracotta Army has discovered three pits, three pits in the total area of 20 thousand square meters, there are about 50 basketball field. In three a pit, the pit 1, the three pits in the Qin Terracotta Army about more than 8000.

  The pit in the Terracotta Army rows, columns, very neatly lined up in a rectangular array, how like a team under Qin Shihuang!

  Closer to see, there are many Terracotta Army hands are holding weapons: what spear ah, what shield, and so on! Samurai figurines are about 1 tall. 8 meters, athletic, height and body symmetry; warriors wearing helmets, wearing armor, wearing boots, carrying weapons, waiting for the last war!

  Closer to Qin Terracotta Army, you can hear their breathing and hear their yearning for home!

  I think: Qin Terracotta Army has seen his relatives, want to embrace him, want to tell him how proud he is, but how can not step feet, and had to worry about in situ.

  Listen to the tour guide said, these concave into the soil is buried Qin Terracotta Army pit.

  When watching Qin Terracotta Army, I know that the first person to discover Qin Terracotta Army is Yang Zhifa. Without Yang Zhifa, we would not have this precious cultural relic!