

  The situation is grave, and the challenge is tough. China cannot afford a delay in making a serious commitment to the fight and taking action.

  Initiatives have indeed been rolled out, and they must be followed.

  Executive Health Vice-Minister Gao Qiang recently pledged that the government will provide free medical treatment to HIV carriers and AIDS patients in rural areas or those among the urban poor. He promised to ensure legal rights and interests of HIV/AIDS victims.

  He said that local governments will be held directly accountable if loopholes in their work lead to serious epidemics in their regions. He also called for intensified government intervention into behaviour found to be at risk.

  This is viewed as the strongest commitment to date by the government in tackling the epidemic.

  The plan, if carried out well, will surely be a great push forward in fighting HIV/AIDS. It should herald more and stronger resolution from the government.

  Lack of information on the virus has proven to be a major element that fuels the spread of HIV/AIDS. Aggressive campaigns should be undertaken to promote knowledge about HIV/AIDS to even people in the most remote areas, especially among illiterates and those practising unsafe sexual behaviour.

  More important, efforts from all walks of life are needed to create a friendly atmosphere for people living with HIV/AIDS.

  Prejudice, rejection, hurt and ostracism are some of the most painful parts of HIV infection which even a miracle drug can not overcome, a WHO official explained.

  Stigma and discrimination constitute one of the greatest barriers to preventing further infections, providing adequate care, support and treatment and alleviating the epidemic's impact.

  The same sort of national commitment and resources used to fight SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), if used toward fighting HIV/AIDS, should help us find an effective way to combat this disease, too.与艾滋病作战的英语作文]相关文章: