

  37 因为有你让我对明天充满期待

  because i am full of expection for tomorrow with you

  38 因为我巡辉俣匀魏稳硕??

  because you make me never open my heart to others

  39 因为爱你是最温柔的不自由

  i love you because to me you are a gentle but 'no ;freedom'

  40 因为我俩一起看天看海看日落日出

  because we enjoy the sky, the sea and the suise, the sunset together 41 因为沙滩印著我俩的足迹

  because there are our footprints in the sand beach

  42 因为只有你肯陪我看恐怖片

  because only you like to accompany me to wathch horrible movies 43 因为你曾为感人剧情而哭的淅沥哗啦的

  because you were ever moved to tears by the play

  44 因为我们侧夜长谈分享彼此

  because we talk all night and enjoy each other

  45 因为我们是天生一对

  because we were born of a couple

  46 因为爱过你就好

  because it is fine of experiencing love you

  47 因为只愿等你一个人

  because I only want to wait for you

  48 因为有你我看到美好的未来

  because you make me see the beautiful future

  49 因为有你我看到了其他人羡慕的眼光

  because of having you ,i see the envious sights of others

  50 因为你让我体验了爱情的伟大

  because i experience the great love with you

  51 因为你的善良

  because of your kind heart

  52 因为有我就有你

  because where there is me ,there is you

  53 因为你让我感到身为一个男人的骄傲

  because of you ,i am proud of being a man

  54 因为任何事与爱你抵触者无效

  because nothing will happen,if it is contradict with loving you 55 因为除了我再也找不到另一个与你相配的男人

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