In the library英语教学设计





  本单元主要教学现在完成时态,围绕“The lst b”开展教学活动。学习了有关“借物和寻物”的交际用语以及到图书馆借阅图书及相关事项,着重使用了“Have u gt…”这种句式,通过对话,教学了现在完成时态的用法和构成,重点分析过去某个动作对现在造成的影响或结果。学习了过去分词的构成和动词加一ed后的读音,if引导的从句中时态的使用,同时还学习了一些同义词、近义词的用法与区别。

  ag 与befre

  ag与befre 是两个表示“以前”的'概念的单词。在用法上,它们的区别是较大的。


  ur friend



  The teacher tld us a str abut Lei Feng. Its ver ving.




  The teacher tld us a str abut Lei Feng. Its ver ving.




  The teacher tld us a str abut Lei Feng. Its ver ving.


  Activit abut bs

  Teacher ass students t l fr se faus bs in the librar, such as: Oliver Twist, the

  Red and the Blac, the Tales f Tw Cit and s n. Finish these ites:

  First, teacher ass the students t give a tal abut hw t find the b and se

  infratin abut the b he led fr.

  Secnd, as the students t write a brrwers card abut the b.

  Mae an investigatin reprt

  As students t interview ne f ur schl librarians. Fill in the fr n page 4 in

  students b. Then ae a reprt with the help f the fr.



  或以B is friend(必须谈谈书对你学习的帮助。)为题写一篇短文。


  教师可以让学生仿照课文The Lst B写一个剧本,让四个学生来表演,分别扮演:Miss ang, a b, Han Meiei, Luc。参考对话如下:

  (Miss ang is wring at her des in the librar. A b ces int the librar.)

  B: Excuse e, have u gt an bs abut the n and the stars?

  Miss ang: es, the’re n that shelf ver there.

  (Nw Han Meiei ces in)

  Han Meiei: Excuse e, Miss ang, I’ ver srr. I brrwed a b fr the librar tw wees ag. But I can’t find it. I thin I’ve lst it.

  Miss ang: Are u sure u’ve lst it?

  Han Meiei: es, I’ve led fr it everwhere. I’ve led rund the whle schl. I can’t find it anwhere.

  Miss ang: What was the nae f the b?

  Han Meiei: Red Star ver China.

  Miss ang: What a pit! I’ afraid that if u’ve lst it, u ust pa fr it.

  (At the ent Luc ces int the librar)

  Luc: Excuse e, Miss ang. I’ve ust fund this librar b.

  Han Meiei: that’s ine!

  Miss ang: N, it isn’t urs! It’s the librar’s. Please be re careful fr nw n!

  Han Meiei: es, Miss ang. I’ ver srr. Usuall I’ ver careful. I have never lst a b befre. It wn’t happen again.

  Miss ang: O! Let’s frget the whle thing.

  Han Meiei: Than u

【In the library英语教学设计】相关文章:

1.A library小学英语作文

2.《At the library》外研社英语上册教学反思

3.小升初英语作文:A library 图书馆

4.In the library评课稿

5.外研社I went to a library yesterday教学反思


7.Whos that英语教案教学设计

8.英语 Lesson Nine的教学设计