


  "Nowadays the feudal lords under the emperor are seeking hegemony and fighting one another. We should devote our efforts to farming and preparations for war. If we adopt your doctrines of benevolence and righteousness to govern our state, we will be on the way to destruction." Then he ordered to castrate the son of the Meng family and deport him from the State of Qin.


  The other son of the Meng family who studied martial arts went to the State of Wei and talked at length with the Lord of Wei about the doctrine of strengthening the army. The Lord of Wei was very disgusted and said angrily:


  "Our state is small and weak, and situated in between several large states. We treat the large states with reverence and courtesy, and the small states with respect and care. This is the only correct strategy to keep peace and guarantee safety. If we follow what you said and mobilize the army for war, our state will be destroyed very soon. Today, if I let you go intact to other states to confuse and poison people's minds to wantonly engage in military aggression, it will certainly put us in big danger." So he ordered to cut off both feet of the son of the Meng family and drive him back to the State of Lu.

  “我们是弱小的国家,又处在几个大国之间。对大国,我们恭敬礼貌;对小国,我们尊重爱护,这才是保持和平求得安全的正确策略。如果照你所说的去兴兵动武,那么我们卫国很快就会被灭亡。今天,如果让你全躯而归跑到其他国家,蛊惑人心,穷兵默武,一定会给我们造成很大的危险。”于是,下令砍掉他的脚,撵回鲁国。  When the two sons of the Meng family returned home, they and their father, all three of them, rushed to the Shi family to rebuke them.


  After the Shi family learned about the situation, they said with a sigh of emotion:


  "Only those who understand the times will get along smoothly in life. Otherwise they will end up in tragic failure. Though your sons have learned the same things as ours, the results are entirely different from ours."
