格林童话故事第70篇:六个人走遍天下Six soldiers of fortune(4)


  不久,两个骑兵团赶上了那六个人,他们喊道:"你们被捕了!快放下那只装金子的口袋,否则你们会粉身碎骨的!"那个用鼻孔吹气的人问:"你们说什么?我们被俘虏了?我这就让你们上天跳舞去!"说着就捏住一个鼻孔,用另一个鼻孔吹气,结果把两个骑兵团吹得乱成一团,有的被吹到了天上,有的被吹过了高山,这里一个那里一个的,摔得满地都是。 有一个中士,本来是个勇士,不该受这种侮辱,可此时他不得不请求饶命,因为他已经伤了九处。 吹气的人停下来,让那中士慢慢落下来,没再受伤。 他对中士说:"现在你回去报告国王,要他再多派些骑兵来,我好把他们全吹到天上去。"国王一听报告,只好说:"让这帮流氓走吧,他们有魔法呢。"


Six soldiers of fortune

  There was once a man who was a Jack-of-all-trades; he had served in the war, and had been brave and bold, but at the end of it he was sent about his business, with three farthings and his discharge. "I am not going to stand this," said he; "wait till I find the right man to help me, and the king shall give me all the treasures of his kingdom before he has done with me." Then, full of wrath, he went into the forest, and he saw one standing there by six trees which he had rooted up as if they had been stalks of corn. And he said to him, "Will you be my man, and come along with me?" - "All right," answered he; "I must just take this bit of wood home to my father and mother." And taking one of the trees, he bound it round the other five, and putting the faggot on his shoulder, he carried it off; then soon coming back, he went along with his leader, who said, "Two such as we can stand against the whole world."