


  1、How long will the full moon appear? Wine in hand, I ask the sky.

  2、I do not know what time of year it will be tonight in the palace on high.

  3、Riding the wind, there I would fly, yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would be too high and cold for me.

  4、I rise and dance, with my shadow I play. On high as on earth, would it be as gay?

  5、The moon goes round the mansions red through gauze –draped windows soft to shed her light upon the sleepless bed.

  6、Against man she would have on spite. Why, then, when people part, is she often full and bright”?

  7、Men have sorrow and joy; they part if meet again; the moon is bright of dim and she may wax or wane. There has been nothing perfect since the olden days.

  8、So let us with that man will live long as he can! Though miles apart, we’ll share the beauty she displays.

  (一) 意美



  译文第三句中作者描述月宫“too high and cold for me”追溯苏轼的生平我们知道“乘风归去”有两重含义:一是指作者飞向月宫的渴望;二是暗指作者想回到宫廷的念头。所以用“too high and cold for me”是对作者内心的精确解读。

  译文第六句,作者将“何事长向别时圆” 译为“Why, then, when people part, is she often full and bright.”此处,作者使用拟人的手法表现出离别的哀怨情丝,似乎是在责问月亮为什么当人们伤心离别时反而这般浑圆明亮。月亮也似乎是通人性而有意这样做的。加入“bright”这一意象,更加能够突出离别时心中的落寞和哀伤。