

  《水调歌头 - 明月几时有》英译三:

  How rare the moon, so round and clear!

  With cup in hand, I ask of the blue sky,

  “I do not know in the celestial sphere

  What name this festive night goes by?”

  I want to fly home, riding the air,

  But fear the ethereal cold up there,

  The jade and crystal mansions are so high!

  Dancing to my shadow,

  I feel no longer the mortal tie.

  She rounds the vermilion tower,

  Stoops to silk-pad doors,

  Shines on those who sleepless lie.

  Why does she, bearing us no grudge,

  Shine upon our parting, reunion deny?

  But rare is perfect happiness--

  The moon does wax, the moon does wane,

  And so men meet and say goodbye.

  I only pray our life be long,

  And our souls together heavenward fly!

  (by Lin Yutang)



  《水调歌头 - 明月几时有》英译四:


  In the Chinese Moon Festival, (the 15th day of the 8th Lunar Month), 1077, I fuddled my cap until dawn and wrote this while thinking of my brother Zi Youh.

  by Su Shi (1036-1101)

  How many times will the full moon rise?

  Upholding a cup of wine, I ask the blue sky.

  Tonight I wonder which year is passing by

  In the heavenly paradise.

  With the wind, I’d like to go there;

  I’m afraid it’s too cold in the sky

  With the jade-palace being too high.

  Dancing to play with a cool shadow

  Is analogous to our human world?

  The moonlight is over my red corridor,

  Looking at my gorgeous door;

  Why I’m sleepless, I wonder.

  Don’t blame on the moon any more;

  Why does it turn full when we are farewell?

  Man will vary with vicissitudes of life

  The full moon alternates the crescent, rain or shine.

  Nothing has been perfect since the ancient time.

  However, may you live a long life;

  The moon we share across 1000 miles.

  [Tr. Manfield Zhu]


  朱曼华教授,男,辽宁北镇人。1958年毕业于中国人民解放军外国语学院。原首都经济贸易大学外语系主任,现任欧美同学会留美分会副秘书长、北京国际汉字研究会副会长、首都经贸大学(西)对外文化交流中心常务副主任兼秘书长、北京星辉翻译中心顾问等职。2005年被评为中国资深翻译家。  《水调歌头 - 明月几时有》英译五:

  Thinking of You

  When will the moon be clear and bright?

  With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.

  I don’t know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.

  I’d like to ride the wind to fly home.

  Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me.

  Dancing with my moon-lit shadow

  It does not seem like the human world

  The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors

  Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge

  Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart?

  People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart

  The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane

  This has been going on since the beginning of time

  May we all be blessed with longevity

  Though far apart,

  We are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.

  (By Shun-Yi Lee in 1998)