

  When you needed help. You need no more;

  'Tis we now who must beg at your door,

  And will you refuse?" The little man

  Bustled, denied, his heart was good,

  But times were hard. He went to a pan

  And poured upon the counter a flood

  Of pungent raspberries, tanged like wood.

  He took a melon with rough green rind

  And rubbed it well with his apron tip.

  Then he hunted over the shop to find

  Some walnuts cracking at the lip,

  And added to these a barberry slip

  Whose acrid, oval berries hung

  Like fringe and trembled. He reached a round

  Basket, with handles, from where it swung

  Against the wall, laid it on the ground

  And filled it, then he searched and found

  The francs Jeanne Tourmont had let fall.

  "You'll return the basket, Mademoiselle?"

  She smiled, "The next time that I call,

  Monsieur. You know that very well."

  'Twas lightly said, but meant to tell.

  Monsieur Popain bowed, somewhat abashed.

  She took her basket and stepped out.

  The sunlight was so bright it flashed

  Her eyes to blindness, and the rout

  Of the little street was all about.

  Through glare and noise she stumbled, dazed.

  The heavy basket was a care.

  She heard a shout and almost grazed

  The panels of a chaise and pair.

  The postboy yelled, and an amazed

  Face from the carriage window gazed.

  She jumped back just in time, her heart

  Beating with fear. Through whirling light

  The chaise departed, but her smart

  Was keen and bitter. In the white

  Dust of the street she saw a bright

  Streak of colours, wet and gay,

  Red like blood. Crushed but fair,  Her fruit stained the cobbles of the way.

  Monsieur Popain joined her there.

  "Tiens, Mademoiselle,

  c'est le General Bonaparte,

  partant pour la Guerre!"