

  Furthermore, I had been doing a lot of other part-time jobs during my study in Australia, such as tutor, kitchen hand, and housekeeper. Each of the jobs is not easy, and sometimes I felt extremely exhausted by doing so many part-time jobs while studying, but the various part-time jobs offered me rich experience and made my abroad life more colourful. The more important thing is that I feel very happy and inspired that I am supporting myself in a foreign country and do not need the financial help from my parents any more.

  On 1 November 2004, which is one of my unforgettable days in my life, I graduated from Griffith University. At that moment when I was in academic dress, I was so happy and just smiled during the whole day. After a year’s hard working, I finally harvest the Master degree of International Tourism and Hospitality Management. Yet it is only the beginning of the road to the future. I am now applying for a working visa and looking for a full-time job in the hotel industry in Australia after my graduation from the university.

  Looking for a job in a foreign country is not easy, but I will never give up. After going through the past year, I become more confident in overcoming difficulties. The road is chosen by me, I have to keep going and never hesitate in front of cross of life. Having a goal of making an ideal career, I strongly believe that all of my efforts will bring me great success.
