

  《留德十年》是学术大师季羡林在耄耋之年,忆及往昔写下的一部回忆录。1935年,青年学子季羡林赴德留学,开始了十年羁旅生涯。在赫赫有名的哥廷根大学,季先生几经辗转选定印度学为主修方向,遂对其倾注热情与辛劳,最终获得博士学位,也由此奠定了毕生学术研究的深厚根基。 事隔七十年,出国留学已“飞入寻常百姓家”,褪去了彼时的光环,但莘莘学子在异国他乡勤奋求学的故事仍在继续。时代不同,年龄不同,理想不同,《留澳一年》记叙的正是当代青年在异邦的奋斗历程。

  After the graduation from the university in Xi’an in 2001, I had been an English tour guide for over two years in Guilin, which is enjoying the reputation of having the most beautiful mountains and rivers in the world. The job was actually quite good because of the high income and lots of opportunities of travelling around the country. Having this job, I could have a very comfortable and relaxed life in that quiet city.

  However, probably because the unknown things and environment always seem attractive, I had always been distracted by the curiosity towards the foreign countries. Is the outside world really wonderful? Is it a heaven or a hell? Can I have a better career development out of China? Like many young and ambitious people, I made up my mind to study abroad. After doing of a lot of research on the Internet, I chose Griffith University of Australia, for it enjoys the well-known reputation of the program of Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management. I successfully got the offer from the university in March 2003 and lodged the application for a student visa in October 2003. In the end of the year, I got the visa and quit my job from the travel agent, flying to Gold Coast of Australia with my dreams and hopes.