

  7. ‘Another Valentine’ by Wendy Cope



  温迪·可普 (born 21 July 1945),英国当代诗人。这首诗以一对结婚多年的夫妻为创作视角,诗句开头女主角似乎还有些讨厌情人节,觉得仅仅是一个日期就要让人做出爱的承诺,简直不可理喻。不过后来她慢慢领悟到情人节的意义,也逐渐把对伴侣的爱表现出来。他们深谙彼此在对方心中的地位,诗中这样写道:“你知道我逃不出你的手掌心,我也知道你会对我不离不弃”。写给老伴的情诗似乎比较难找,这首“又见情人节(Another Valentine)”或许正合你意。

  Today we are obliged to be romantic今朝兮兮,望君风流,

  And think of yet another valentine.翌宰霏霏,共此时欢。

  We know the rules and we are both pedantic:年岁叹叹,故作心安:

  Today’s the day we have to be romantic.今朝兮兮,望君风流。

  Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.旧情暧暧,亘古长传。

  You know I’m yours and I know you are mine.与君靡靡,佳偶天成。

  And saying that has made me feel romantic,温情侃侃,卿言如岚,

  My dearest love, my darling valentine.浓情戚戚,白首阑珊。


  6. ‘A Drinking Song’ by W.B. Yeats

  《饮酒歌》—— 威廉·勃特勒·叶芝(1865~ 1939)


  从题目看,这似乎不像首情诗,很多人争议说它其实是在歌颂美酒。不过不管怎样,这首诗充满了罗曼蒂克的情调这是无可否认的。诗人在第一句中写道:“酒之醇美兮,得于舌喉;爱之深浓兮,望乎眼眸(Wine comes in at the mouth and love comes in at the eye)”,不过,若是一觉醒来闻着自己浑身酒味儿,眼前看到的是邋遢素颜的她/他,你可一定得做好心理准备。

  Wine comes in at the mouth酒之醇美兮,得于舌喉;

  And love comes in at the eye;爱之深浓兮,望乎眼眸;

  That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die.此中真意兮,一生索求;

  I lift the glass to my mouth,I look at you, and I sigh.停杯视君兮,叹息无休。
