

  Kurt: Bargitta, you shouldn't say that.

  Bargitta: Why not? Don't you think it's ugly?

  Kurt: Of course, but Fraulein Helder's was ugliest. I'm Kurt. I'm eleven. I'm incorrigible.

  M: Congratulations!

  Kurt: What's incorrigible?

  M: I think it means you won't be treated like a boy.

  Marta: I'm Marta and I'm going to be seven on Tuesday. And I'd like a pink parasol.

  M: Well, pink is my favorite color, too. Yes, you're Gretl, and you're five years old? My, you're practically a lady! Now I have to tell you a secret. I've never been a governess before.

  Louisa: You mean you don't know anything about being a governess?

  M: Nothing. I'll need lots of advice.

  Louisa: Well, the best way to start is to be sure to tell father to mind his own business.

  Frederick: You must never come to dinner on time.

  Bargitta: Never eat your soup quietly.

  Kurt: And during dessert always blow your nose.

  Gretl: Don't believe a word they say, Fraulein Maria.

  M: Why not?

  Gretl: Because I like you.

  Frau Schmidt: All right now, children! Outside for your walk. Father's orders. Now, hurry up! Hurry up! Quick, Quick... Fraulein Maria, I'm Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper.

  M: How do you do!

  Frau Schmidt: How do you do! I'll show you to your room. Follow me.

  (On the way to her room, Maria feels something strange in her pocket. It is a toad. She cries out and throws it away. The children watch this and leave in laughter. Later the dinner is served, Maria is late.)

  M: Good evening. Good evening, children.

  Children: Good evening, Frauen Maria.

  (Without noticing a pinecone on her chair, Maria sits on it, jumps up with pain and immediately.)

  M: Ha Ha.