

  M: It's so wrong.

  Frau Schmidt: Ah, well. How do you like your room? There'll be new drapes at the windows.

  M: New drapes? But these are fine.

  Frau Schmidt: Nevertheless new ones have been ordered.

  M: Oh but I really don't need them.

  Frau Schmidt: Good night, now.

  M: Frau Schmidt, do you think if I asked the Captain tomorrow about the material...

  Frau Schmidt: He's leaving for Vienna in the morning.

  M: Oh, yes, of course. Well, how long will he be gone?

  Frau Schmidt: It all depends. The last time he visited the Baroness he stayed for a month. I shouldn't be saying this, not to you, I mean I don't know you that well. But if you ask me, the Captain is thinking very seriously of marrying the woman before the summer is over.

  M: That'd be wonderful. The children will have a mother again.

  Frau Schmidt: Yes. Well, good night.

  M: Good night.

  (Maria is praying.)

  M: Dear Father, now I know why you sent me here. To help these children prepare themselves for a new mother. And I pray that this family will become a happy family in my sight. God bless the Captain. God bless Liesl and Frederick. God bless Louisa, Bargitta, Marta and little Gretl. And... oh I forgot the other boy, what's his name. Well, God bless what's his name? God bless the Reverend Mother and sister Margarita and everybody at Mamburg Abbey. Now, dear God. About Liesl. Help her to know that I'm her friend. And help her to tell me what she's been up to.

  (Liesl climbs in from the window)

  Liesl: Are you going to tell on me?

  M: Shhh... Help me to be understanding so that I may guide her footsteps. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.

  Liesl: I was out taking a walk and somebody locked the doors earlier than usual and I didn't want to wake everybody up so when I saw your window open... You're not going to tell father, are you?